Video Presentation at the HLPF 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic occurred immediately after the international community had reaffirmed its commitment to accelerate its efforts to achieve the SDGs based on the declaration of “the Decade of Action”. The Pandemic has since been threatening the lives, livelihoods and dignity of people around the world, especially those in vulnerable situations. It has also greatly affected efforts to achieve the SDGs. It…
Japan’s efforts toward achieving the SDGs through PPAP,
Public Private Action for Partnership
1. Fundamental Idea
Prior to the formulation of the 2030 Agenda, Japan was already implementing
measures in an integrated manner to build a sustainable society through
environmental, economic and social improvements. Japan has also embarked on
creating an inclusive and participatory society in which every individual can achieve
his or her…
National Reports
Topics covered
CSD-18; CSD-19;
Sustainable Consumption & Production Patterns
CSD-18; CSD-19;
CSD-18; CSD-19;
Waste Management
CSD-18; CSD-19;…
SDGs Promotion Headquarters