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Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Year: 2021Income Group: High incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Japan encouraged each individual to address the SDGs as their matter. Besides participating in lectures and events, contributing to publications, and disseminating information through the Internet, the government promoted and raised awareness through alliances with influencers such as "Hello Kitty" and media, entertainment, and transportation industries. These efforts have resulted in a high level of awareness of the 2030 Agenda in Japan: According to a survey conducted by Dentsu, as of April 2021, 54.2% of the population had become aware of the SDGs, up from 29.1% in the 2020 survey.
Year: 2021Income Group: High incomeSource: VNR
Finding: In June 2021, the Government of Japan and Gavi co-hosted the COVAX AMC Summit online to fund equitable access to safe, effective, and quality-assured vaccines for developing countries through the COVAX Facility. Prime Minister Suga called for further solidarity and commitment from the international community to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and achieve universal health coverage. Japan's government emphasized the concept of "last mile support" to deliver vaccines. As a result of this meeting, many governments and the private sector expressed their willingness to contribute additional funds.
Year: 2017Income Group: High incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Japan's government organized a series of multi-stakeholder roundtables aimed to review the 2030 Agenda commitments on national implementation. Based on their results, the country adopted its SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles, representing Japan's national strategy to address the critical challenges for implementing the 2030 Agenda, including the definition of national priorities. The Guiding Principles set by Japan establish that the international effects of domestic efforts should be considered, placing human security at the center of Japan's development cooperation. Based on the participatory nature of any 2030 Agenda implementation effort, the government commits to publicly disclose regular assessments on the national advancement of SDG implementation. Finally, the principles assume that based on the Goals’ indivisibility, the work should enhance synergies among policies.