Kenya’s long-term development blueprint Vision 2030 is implemented through five-year
Medium Term Plans (MTPs). The current and third MTP 2018 -2022 that aim to achieve
accelerated, high, inclusive, broad based, sustainable economic growth, social economic
transformation and development mainstreamed the SDGs and Africa Union Agenda 2063.
Further, mainstreaming of SDGs in performance contracting, actions plans and sub-national
County Integrated…
1.0 Background
Kenya has been a top advocate of Agenda 2030. Kenya was a member of the High Level
Panel of Eminent Persons who advised the United Nations Secretary General on the global
development framework beyond 2015. The Permanent Representative of Kenya to the UN
Ambassador Macharia Kamau co-chaired the UN General Assembly Open Working Group
on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)mandated to develop a set of sustainable
National Reports
Topics covered
National Report - Kenya
Mr. Bernard O. K'Omudho
Director, National Environment Secretariat