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Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Year: 2021Income Group: Upper middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Before 2020, annual budget allocation by the Ministry of Finance was mainly driven by needs-based considerations, which could result in financial gaps for particular SDGs. As a trial, an ex-post exercise was undertaken to map the actual spending under development expenditure allocation on 361 projects for the 2015 and 2019 national budgets. The research found that development expenditure spending was lower on some SDGs. As a result, there might be gaps for financing programs and projects for the 17 SDGs. To ensure all SDGs are given due focus and attention, the Government is undertaking a comprehensive exercise to tag programs and projects in all ministries and agencies to the SDGs. The Ministry of Finance is currently developing a standard operating procedure and manual to guide this alignment exercise.
Year: 2017Income Group: Upper middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: The country established a multi-stakeholder, participatory governance structure helmed by a National SDG Council chaired by the Prime Minister. The Council's work is organized in five SDG Cluster Working Committees, including representatives of government, civil society, the private sector, academia, United Nations agencies, and youth. This inclusive governance approach responds to the Eleventh Malaysia (Development) Plan 2016–2020, which is in line with the 2030 Agenda and stresses the country's need to move to a new and more participatory paradigm of government by citizens.