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Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Year: 2021Income Group: High incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Norway conducted a peer review with the Governments of Denmark and Indonesia. The peer review was done based on a draft report. As a result, Norway received several recommendations and questions that were taken into account in the finalization of the report. The VNR transcribes the suggestions received by the Norwegian government from their peers.
Year: 2016Income Group: High incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Representatives of indigenous peoples provided input to the country's first VNR through previously established mechanisms. The Norwegian government and the Sámediggi (the Sami Parliament) dialogue can be highlighted as a key example. It departs from the 2005 agreement on procedures for consultation signed by the government and the Sámediggi, strengthening the Sami people's voice in public decisions that could affect them directly. Consequently, the government has established that the Sámediggi must be consulted on any measures to reach the SDGs that may affect them.