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Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Year: 2016Income Group: Low incomeSource: VNR
Finding: In its first VNR, Uganda includes information on the establishment of a partnership between the government and the Pulse Lab Kampala , a UN initiative to monitor progress of Uganda’s progress towards the SDGs through real time data tools. The Pulse Lab Kampala produced information from data taken from social media and SMS text messages.
Year: 2020Income Group: Low incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Uganda’s 2020 VNR report highlights contributions coming from the Ngora Voluntary Local Review Report (2020). Developed with the support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the Ngora report renewed multi-stakeholder engagement and mobilization to advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Africa’s Agenda 2063 locally, increasing population ownership, and identifying areas in which progress is lagging.