By adopting the new national programs for renewable energy and energy efficiency, Algeria is committed to reducing 9% of its global consumption of energy by 2030. These ambitious programs aim to engage thermal insulation of an important housing program, as well as to convert to liquefied petroleum gas one million of light-duty vehicles and more than 20.000 buses. Algeria, being the largest country in Africa, in the Mediterranean and in the Arab world, has one of the highest solar deposits in the world, estimated to exceed five billion GWh/year. The annual sunshine duration is estimated to ...[more]
The Algerian Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries commits to prepare a study in order to establish a marine protected area in Cape Lindles in the province of Oran (north west of Algeria). The marine environment of Cap Lindles, with its coastal area of approximately 18 Kilometers, offers an outstanding marine biodiversity and represents a vital zone for key species. Some of these species are threatened (Annex II of the Barcelona Convention, red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature), for example cystoseira, giant patella (patella ferruginae), mother o...[more]
In line with paragraph 13-e of the "Final Draft Call for Action", calling to support plans to foster ocean-related education, for example as part of education curricula, to promote ocean literacy and a culture of conservation, restoration and sustainable use of our ocean, the Ministry of National Education of Algeria commits to introduce such learning sequences in the three stages of the Algerian education system (primary, secondary and tertiary).
The IHO capacity building programme seeks to assess and advise on how countries can best meet their international obligations and serve their own best interests by providing appropriate hydrographic and nautical charting services. Such services directly support safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, efficient sea transportation and the wider use of the seas and oceans in a sustainable way, including the protection of the marine environment, coastal zone management, fishing, marine resource exploration and exploitation, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime defence and security, and o...[more]
This research program of the NCRDFA aims to the improvement of the management and production of Algerian fisheries. It concerns, in the first place, small pelagic, which constitutes the main Algerian fishery and represents up to 80% of the professional fishing landings. This commitment aims to consolidate sectorial databases, in a geo-referenced interface, in order to exploit them and overlay the results the different requests to information layer related to the fishery environment. By this commitment, the Algerian Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries will establish ...[more]
The Algerian Ministry of National Education, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energies, is committed to organizing volunteering campaigns to clean up beaches and coastal marine environment. These campaigns will be conducted by students, together with fishermen, diving clubs and associations working in the field of marine environment. These volunteering campaigns will be organized through the "Green Clubs" established in schools across all parts of Algeria (12,379 to date), with 267,421 students members currently.
The strategic plan of the National Center of Research and Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NCRDFA) serves as a basis for the development of an operational program for the next five years. As such, it represents a dialogue tool between the NCRDFA and its ministerial tutorship (Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries) ; it also aims to strengthen links with the foreign partners. The Government of Algeria, having adopted this strategic plan, will commit resources for it implementation. The plan is a contribution to define and implement pubic policies related to fishe...[more]
The impacts of marine debris is a big challenge. These impacts include entanglement and ingestion of marine animals, and they have been identified as a global problem. Plastics typically constitute the most important share of marine litter. As a result, plastic debris causes the deaths of large numbers of seabirds, as well as marine mammals. This problem is amplified in the case of semi-enclosed seas, like the Mediterranean. To face this grave problem, it has been demonstrated that public awareness-raising on plastic pollution and its negative impacts, as well as the social, environmental ...[more]
The Government of Algeria, like the other Mediterranean countries, carried out its first National Action Plan (NAP) in 2003 to combat marine pollution caused by land-based anthropogenic activities. The implementation of this first NAP allowed national authorities to adapt the environment and water legislative, regulatory, institutional and organizational framework, particularly the components relating to waste management, ecosystems preservation, including the coastline; environmental assessment and observation, improved environmental awareness and communication, diversification and optimi...[more]