Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to be committed to the transformation and modernization of the entire society in accordance with Agenda 2030 with a view to achieving good and efficient administration and public sector management, a society of equal opportunities and smart growth.
Since the European Union (EU) accession process is the main political goal of the country, it is very important to emphasize that there is full synergy…
Bosnia and Herzegovina is fully committed to Agenda 2030, which is the most comprehensive global sustainable and transformational development agreement for all United Nations Member States and has the Sustainable Development Goals at its core. It helps countries commit, align and measure their respective contribution to such an ambitious yet crucial endeavor.
Bosnia and Herzegovina embarked on its participatory and exploratory 2030…
VNR New York Focal Point -
Sasa Milanovic, First Secretary
VNR Capital Focal Points -
Mr. Miloš Prica, Ambassador, Head of the Team for VNR presentation at HLPF in New York in 2019, Co-Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Inter-ministerial Working Group for Sustainable Development
Zoran Zeljko, Director, BiH Directorate of Economic Planning
The below is a listing of all partnership initiatives and voluntary commitments where Bosnia and Herzegovina is listed as a partner or lead entity in the Partnerships for SDGs online platform
Project 1948
Project 1948 embodies the promotion of peace, justice, and strong institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by way of a two-part model: to provide the medium of photography and human rights to catalyze community…