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Partnerships & Commitments

The below is a listing of all partnership initiatives and voluntary commitments where China is listed as a partner or lead entity in the Partnerships for SDGs online platform
Baoding, China- The world's first

A city of one million people about 100 miles southwest of Beijing, Baoding has ascended rapidly as a working urban model of China's transition to a clean energy economy. The city is considered to be the first "carbon positive" city in the world, largely due to local efforts along with additional national and international support. Source: Shanghai Manual: A Guide for Sustainable Urban Development in the 21st Century (2010) Baoding has undergone a transformation from a traditionally dirty textile and automobile manufacturing city to a central hub for renewable energy production and deployme...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Beijing Olympics 2008: An urban transformation

The 2008 Olympics represented a major way for China to signal the country's opening up policy. Alongside this important effort in public diplomacy, the Games catalyzed a major project of urban transformation and new infrastructure development in the capitol city. Most of the capital invested in the 2008 Olympics was in fact spent on infrastructure, which has helped shape and foster a greater environmental awareness among the public and was an opportunity to showcase China?s commitment to growing in an environmentally sustainable manner. Source: Shanghai Manual: A Guide for Sustainable Urban D...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
China Neonatal Resuscitation Program

The China Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) aims to reduce neonatal mortality and morbidity caused by preventable conditions, such as birth asphyxia, through ensuring at least one trained and skilled health worker is present at every hospital delivery. Objectives include:• Develop and implement nationwide cascade training: providing training to individuals who in turn provide the same training to others • Improve the quality of NRP training through cascade supervisions • Implement policy strategies that ensure sustainable NRP in 90% of delivery facilities• Evaluate and document NRP ...[more]

Partner Organizations • The National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC, formerly known as Chinese Ministry of Health) • Johnson & Johnson Implementation Partner • National Center for Women and Children’s Health (NCWCH), Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Technical Supporting Partners • Society of Peri-natal Medicine, Chinese Medical Association ...[more]
Sustainable Development Goals
China's National Climate Change Programme

National Climate Change Programme issued by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in 2007 is the country's first global warming policy initiative. Source: According to China's National Climate Change Programme issued by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country's first global warming policy initiative, the government will swiftly adopt measures ranging from laws, economy, administration and technology which will combine to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and imbue the country with a flexible approach to climate change. The Program focuses on energy pro...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Develop Sustainable Ocean Economy

To further improve comprehensive strengthen and quality and benefits of Chinas ocean economy, make marine industry structure and layout more scientific, and further improve ability to regulate and control ocean economy and public service ability by 2020, we would like to take the following measures: promote transformation and upgrading of marine traditional industries like marine fishery and offshore oil and gas industry; fasten the development of newly emerging marine industry like marine equipment manufacture industry and marine renewable energy resources; improve the scale and level of mari...[more]

Relevant Stakeholders
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Enhance the International Marine Cooperation in Asia Pacific Region

To continue participate in the cooperation in blue economy, marine spatial planning and marine debris in Asia and Pacific region, we would like to take the following measures: compile the APEC Sustainable Development Report (the 2nd edition)based on the current work, encourage more countries and regions to participate in the blue economy demonstration projects, stock blue economy in Asia-Pacific region, host blue economy forum, strengthen capacity building in marine spatial planning and aquaculture, and encourage to propel relevant progress on marine debris.

Relevant Stakeholders
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Fuel Economy Standards

In 2004 the Chinese government issued first-ever national fuel economy standards for passenger cars. Source: UNEP, 2008, Green Jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world The Chinese government issued its first compulsory standards for controlling vehicle consumption, the Limits of Fuel Consumption for Passenger Cars, in 2004, and the policy became effective in 2005. For each of 16 vehicle weight classes, it establishes fuel consumption limits (ranging from 7.2 liters per 100 kilometers (km) for the lightest passenger cars to 15.5 liters per 100 km for the heaviest). In 2008, ...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism

The Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism is an organizational network of tourism stakeholders of the public and private sectors, non-profits, UN agencies and programmes, international organizations and academic institutions. Partner organizations share the common vision and understanding of the goal of "sustainable tourism" and collaborate internationally, regionally or nationally to transform tourism globally. The mission is to transform the way tourism is done worldwide by building partnerships to support the implementation of sustainable tourism practices at destinations through adop...[more]

United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP), Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia, the Government of France, Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Morocco, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, the Travel Foundation, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Green Jobs in China

The principal objective of the green jobs programme in China is to assist the country in realizing its potential for green jobs. Source: UNCSD Secretariat (2010) Questionnaire for the Member States on Experiences, Success Factors, Risks and Challenges with Regard to Objective and Themes of UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) The Green Jobs Initiative is a partnership established in 2007 between the International Labour Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Trade Union Confederation. The International Organization of Employers joined in 2008...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Helping developing countries raise environmental protection capacities

At the UN meeting on Sustainable Development in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, China’s Premier Wen Jiabao announced that China will contribute US$6 million to a UNEP trust fund for projects and activities that help developing countries raise their capacity for environmental protection. (Statement made by Chinese Prime Minister Wen JIabao at the Rio + 20, UN meeting on Sustainable Development in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For more information, please click the lick: Premier Wen: China to contribute $6mln to UN Environmental trust fund).

China, UN Environmental Trust Fund
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Helping developing countries tackle climate change

At the UN meeting on Sustainable Development in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, China’s Premier Wen Jiabao announced that China will contribute US$6 million to a UNEP trust fund for projects and activities that help developing countries raise their capacity for environmental protection. He also promised that China will make available 200 million yuan ( US$31.7 million) for a three-year international project to help small island countries, least developed countries and African countries tackle climate change.(Statement made by Chinese Prime Minister Wen JIabao at the Rio + 20 Speech at t...[more]

China, UNEP
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
IHO Hydrography Capacity Building Programme for Coastal States

The IHO capacity building programme seeks to assess and advise on how countries can best meet their international obligations and serve their own best interests by providing appropriate hydrographic and nautical charting services. Such services directly support safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, efficient sea transportation and the wider use of the seas and oceans in a sustainable way, including the protection of the marine environment, coastal zone management, fishing, marine resource exploration and exploitation, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime defence and security, and o...[more]

International Hydrographic Organization (IGO); 87 IHO Member States (Governments); International Maritime Organization (UN); World Meteorological Organization (UN); International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (NGO)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Improve the Ability on Marine Observation and Early-warning and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Capacities

To effectively improve marine disaster prevention capacities of China, we would like to take the following measures: build, upgrade and remould overseas observation stations (sites), build a series of ground wave radar and buoys; advance comprehensive assessment of regional marine forecast ability and application of pilot work of marine risk investigation on large coastal projects; conduct monitoring, research and impact assessment on sea-level rise, ocean acidification, and climate change; evaluate impacts of climate change and human activities on economy, society, environment and resources, ...[more]

Relevant stakeholders
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Marine cooperation in capacity building

To promote marine scientific cooperation with relevant government departments of small island developing countries and other state holders in the fields of marine environment and biodiversity protection, marine disaster prevention and mitigation, blue economy and other fields of common interests; To promote the sustainable development of Small Island Developing States by providing personnel training, technical assistant etc.

Relevant government departments of small island developing countries and other state holders, having signed MOU (interdepartmental) on Maritime Cooperation with Jamaica, Maldives and Mauritius.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Strengthen Scientific and Technical Innovation and International Cooperation

To improve marine scientific and technical innovation ability, strengthen international cooperation and transfer of marine scientific and technical achievements, we would like to take the following measures: organize China Maritime Renewable Energy Annual Meeting, undertake the 5th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), and promote maritime energy innovation ability in Asia Pacific region; compile Catalogue of Chinas Marine Scientific and Technical Achievements and its Transfer, so as to guide and fasten international cooperation and transfer of maritime scientific and technical achie...[more]

Local governments
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Strengthen the Protection of Marine Ecological Environment

To preliminary control marine environmental pollution and gradually improve water quality in offshore areas, we would like to take the following measures: strictly control sea reclamation, strengthen supervision and enforcement, and reduce adverse impacts on marine ecosystem from pollution; fully control the discharge of pollutants and fasten the construction and reconstruction of sewage treatment facilities in urban areas, fully eliminate illegal sewage outlets; classify domestic waste and take effective actions to prevent the discharge of waste into sea; select more marine protected areas, e...[more]

Local governments
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Planning toward 2030

UNESCO Hong Kong [Special Administrative Region of China] is responsible to the national authority, i.e., UNESCO CN. In China, UNESCO matter is assigned by the State to its Ministry of Education (MoE) whereas the Peking University is appointed an Academic Adviser. A UNESCO Category 2 Institute called HIESD is established for the purpose of Education on Sustainable Development (ESD). In Hong Kong [Special Administrative Region of China] UNESCO Hong Kong [Special Administrative Region of China] was registered as a Charity. In 2017, UNESCO HK [Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of...[more]

United Nations Educational, Scientific & Culture Organization Hong Kong [Special Administrative Region of China] Association, World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners, Hong Kong [Special Administrative Region of China] Institute of Education for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Goals
Transforming Shanghai: World Expo 2010

Between May 1st and October 31st 2010 the city of Shanghai hosted the World Expo 2010. This event became one of the most successful Expos for a number of reasons: the timing, the place, the contents and the ability to foster models for future urban development. From a purely quantitative perspective, Expo 2010 featured the largest site, a record number of participants and visitors and an unprecedented events and forums programme. The 5.28 square kilometres site, located at the heart of the city and stretching along the banks of the Huangpu River, was a massive urban regeneration project aimed...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Twelfth Five Year Plan

China's Twelfth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) is China's first national plan to shift the development agenda decisively toward a pattern of green growth. Source: China's Twelfth Five-Year Plan period is crucial for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for deepening reform and opening up and speeding up the transformation of the pattern of economic development. The key targets of the Plan are the following: Economic targets: GDP to grow by 7 percent annually on average; More than 45 million jobs to be created in urban areas; Urban registered unemployment to be kept no...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
US & Timor-Leste & China Trilateral Partnership

Traditional agriculture practices in Timor-Leste result in poor soil and water management and low productivity. This Trilateral partnership trains farmers both on modern cultivation methods and cultivation of crops that reduce erosion and increase replenishment of nutrients in the soil. In addition, the crops selected help farmers diversify their sources of income.This partnership will contribute to the sustainable development of SIDS by demonstrating opportunities for increasing farmer incomes while improving natural resource management through cultivation of cash and staple crops. The model ...[more]

USAID/Timor-Leste Government of Timor-Leste, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Government of the People's Republic of China
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals