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Partnerships & Commitments

The below is a listing of all partnership initiatives and voluntary commitments where Croatia is listed as a partner or lead entity in the Partnerships for SDGs online platform
Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund

The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republic of Croatia is a structured extra-budgetary fund which finances projects and activities in three basic areas: environmental protection, energy efficiency, and the use of renewable energy sources. Source: the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar One of the main examples of green economy policies in Croatia was establishing the Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF) based on 'polluter pays principle' which is regulated by Environmental Protection Act: the polluter bear the costs arising from polluting the env...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism

The Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism is an organizational network of tourism stakeholders of the public and private sectors, non-profits, UN agencies and programmes, international organizations and academic institutions. Partner organizations share the common vision and understanding of the goal of "sustainable tourism" and collaborate internationally, regionally or nationally to transform tourism globally. The mission is to transform the way tourism is done worldwide by building partnerships to support the implementation of sustainable tourism practices at destinations through adop...[more]

United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP), Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia, the Government of France, Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Morocco, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, the Travel Foundation, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
IHO Hydrography Capacity Building Programme for Coastal States

The IHO capacity building programme seeks to assess and advise on how countries can best meet their international obligations and serve their own best interests by providing appropriate hydrographic and nautical charting services. Such services directly support safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, efficient sea transportation and the wider use of the seas and oceans in a sustainable way, including the protection of the marine environment, coastal zone management, fishing, marine resource exploration and exploitation, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime defence and security, and o...[more]

International Hydrographic Organization (IGO); 87 IHO Member States (Governments); International Maritime Organization (UN); World Meteorological Organization (UN); International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (NGO)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals