The Czech Republic will implement a strategy to fulfill a continuous goal: the effective extraction and utilization of secondary raw materials for the purpose of saving non-renewable resources (energy and non-energy raw materials). Materials/products on their life-cycle end are reusable in new production processes to produce the same or a different product, or they are used in energy equipment as fuel. The importance of secondary raw materials consists of decreasing of energy and material use in all manufacturing sectors, of the decreasing of emissions from industrial activities and in decreas...[more]
Main objectives: * To promote the process of transferring the Visegrad Group Countries from recepient to donor countries. * To integrate sustainable development and environmental considerations into the system of development assistance and co-operation performed by the Visegrad Group Countries. * To support education and awareness in the field of sustainable development in countries with economy in transition and in least developed countries by so called "East-East Transfer of Know-How". * * To assist the V4 countries to implement their global and regional obligations in the fields of envi...[more]