In 2015, Equatorial Guinea committed to the 2030 Agenda. Since then, several actions have been undertaken to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the path to implementation has been met with significant challenges, which we can overcome together.
A. Country efforts to adopt the 2030 agenda.
1) Integration of the SDGs into national planning
After a period of economic and financial adjustment, the Government of Equatorial Guinea decided to reorient the Horizon 2020 National Plan, considering achievements and challenges encountered in its implementation, and with the support of development partners. In compliance with the obligations arising from its membership in the African Union and the United Nations, the Government also decided to integrate the SDGs and Agenda 2063 into its planning schemes.
This decision materialized at the Third National Economic Conference 2019, with the theme "Consolidating Social Equity and Economic Diversification". The National Strategy for Sustainable Development “Equatorial Guinea Agenda 2035” resulted from the conference. Its priority axes for development are:
1. Poverty eradication, integrating SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 17.
2. Social inclusion and sustainable peace, including SDGs 5, 10, 16 and 17.
3. Productivity and Industrialization, covering SDGs 8, 9 and 17.
4. Environmental sustainability, covering SDGs 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17.
2) Coordination and monitoring mechanisms for the SDGs
The National SDG Coordination Commission monitors the SDGs in the country. It is located in the Office of the Government’s presidency and it integrates the public and private sectors, and civil society.
In 2019, a seminar organized to prioritize SDG targets concluded with 158 prioritized targets of the 169 in the Agenda. The National Statistical System has the task of producing 237 indicators that constitute the National Indicator Framework, of which 121 were categorized as "very urgent". The indicator production process began in 2019 with the development of the Second National Household Survey (suspended due to COVID-19 and resumed in 2022).
B. Results achieved in a challenging context
Equatorial Guinea made progress towards the 2030 Agenda during its transition from the Horizon 2020 plan to the Equatorial Guinea 2035 Agenda. The report on the "Road Travelled" in the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Agenda (2008-2017) showed that Equatorial Guinea:
1. Progressed in economic diversification: non-oil GDP increased from 26% of real GDP in 2007 to 42% in 2017.
2. Made substantial progress in infrastructure development: from 600 to 2,530 kms of paved roads between 2007 and 2017.
3. Developed reforms to improve governance and the business climate, such as the 2011 constitutional reform and the creation the one-stop shop for business registration.
4. Increased the country's installed electricity capacity from 97MW to 394MW between 2007 and 2017.
However, major challenges are hindering the country's ability to make the desired progress. The 2014 oil crisis and the drop in oil prices during COVID-19 significantly reduced export revenues and public revenues related to the sector. This pandemic also hampered economic activity outside of hydrocarbons, due to closures and mobility restrictions. Meanwhile, public spending needs increased to respond to the pandemic and the explosions in Bata on March 7th.
C. The way forward
We have the utmost confidence that we can achieve our purpose by working together, achieving the execution of plans without sparing efforts, promoting synergies and building resilience. It is a purpose that requires dedication, patriotism and transparency. In this regard, Equatorial Guinea commits to:
1. Continue efforts in its economic diversification to reduce poverty, inequalities and improve social and economic resilience.
2. Promote good governance, guaranteeing judicial independence and legal security.
3. Strengthen its statistical capacity and public administration information management to, better identify vulnerable populations, develop evidence-based policies, improve transparency and social inclusion to create development opportunities.
4. Improve their business environment and expand Agenda funding opportunities to ensure the success of development plans.
5. Increase investments in human capital, particularly for youth and through a gender focus.
6. Find the balance between economic, social, and environmental needs for the sustainable development of the country.
7. Ensure that development reaches those most likely to be left behind, including by ensuring that development is spread throughout the territory.