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Voluntary National Review 2020

Kenya’s long-term development blueprint Vision 2030 is implemented through five-year Medium Term Plans (MTPs). The current and third MTP 2018 -2022 that aim to achieve accelerated, high, inclusive, broad based, sustainable economic growth, social economic transformation and development mainstreamed the SDGs and Africa Union Agenda 2063. Further, mainstreaming of SDGs in performance contracting, actions plans and sub-national County Integrated Development Plans, 2018 -2022, position Kenya to better implement the SDGs and Agenda 2063.


  • A policy gaps analysis in 2018 assessed the country’s preparedness to implement the 2030 Agenda by elaborating how SDGs targets align with the national planning frameworks. It recommended enhancement of national policy framework, which informed the need to review the existing and development of new policies.
  • Government and partners use targeted awareness creation and sensitization strategies through focus group discussions, sensitization forums, workshops and discussion panels. Similarly, social media communication platforms are continuously used to disseminate SDGs to the public. The 2017 VNR identified low level of awareness on SDGs and a countrywide assessment was undertaken in 2019. This informs awareness campaign strategies, development and distribution of targeted IEC materials including translating SDGs into local languages.
  • The multi-stakeholder Inter Agency Technical Committee set up in 2016 and chaired by the government to coordinate SDGs activities is now co-chaired by government, Private sector and the CSO and a subcommittee established as the secretariat. Sub national governments have appointed and trained SDGs Champions to steer SDGs process.
  • Kenya follows “whole of government” and “whole of society” approach and has institutionalized stakeholder engagement in implementation, monitoring and awareness through their umbrella bodies. These are Parliamentary Caucus on SDGs and Business, Kenya Private Sector Alliance, Council of Governors for the sub national governments and National Youth Council. A multi-stakeholder engagement framework developed through consultation strengthens engagements, institutional and coordination mechanisms for the 2030 Agenda.
  • To continuously strengthen capacities to mainstream SDGs in policies, planning, budgeting, implementation and review, training of trainers and 150 officers at national and sub national level respectively has been undertaken. SDGs curriculum has been developed in collaboration with Kenya School of Government for use during training sessions in their institution.
  • To empower the vulnerable, policies and strategies focusing on education, health, employment, social protection, financial inclusion, gender, agricultural productivity, special funds for youth, women and persons with disabilities are in place. Regional disparities are addressed through targeted funds from national government to regions being left behind.
  • Kenya prioritized Special Needs Education by increasing financial allocation to learners in special and integrated schools.
  • High level political commitment to eliminate FGM by 2022. Kenya signed Regional Declaration and costed action plan on ending cross border FGM in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Somalia.
  • Kenya through Water Sector Trust Fund was awarded prestigious 2019 United Nations Public Service Awards for Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor programme under the “Delivering Inclusive and Equitable Services to Leave No one Behind” category being the only institution from Africa.
  • Services to plastic recycling plants including machinery and equipment used in construction are exempted from VAT to promote plastic waste management.
  • Mobile money has led to near complete financial inclusions across the country, increased credit availability to small traders further facilitating business across distant physical locations.
  • Government prioritized the “Big 4 Agenda” focusing on Food and Nutrition Security, Healthcare ,Manufacturing and Affordable Housing that accelerates SDGs 2,3, 8,and 11.
  • SDGs monitoring is institutionalized with a comprehensive progress report prepared biennially. On pilot basis, five sub national governments (Kwale, Kisumu, Busia, Marsabit and TaitaTaveta) have developed Local Voluntary Reports on SDGs. This will be scaled up.
  • In response to COVID-19 pandemic, the government established National Co-ordination Committee to evaluate the evolving risks, advice on appropriate measures for preparedness, prevention and response. COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund for response activities has been established. Some containment measures, includes cancelling public gatherings, 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew, closing learning institutions and non-essential social spaces; encouraging social distancing and teleworking. The government has earmarked Ksh 40 billion for surveillance, laboratory services, isolation units, equipment, PPEs, supplies, and communication; social protection and cash transfers; food relief; and expediting payments of existing obligations to maintain cash flow for businesses during the crisis. Other measures are in the main report.
  • The VNR report will be disseminated, action plan to address the gaps and challenges developed and SDGs acceleration strategy in line with the decade of action developed.
