Nigeria’s 2020 Voluntary National Review (VNR) on Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) focuses on the key issues of poverty (SDG-1) and an inclusive
economy (SDG-8), health and wellbeing (SDG-3), Education (SDG-4), Gender
equality (SDG-5), and the enabling environment of peace and security (SDG-16),
and partnerships (SDG-17). This focus is based on Nigeria’s current development
priorities and the development objectives of President Muhammadu…
1. Introduction
This report provides information on progress and status of implementation of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)in Nigeria. It highlights key policy, institutional and
regulatory measures put in place to create necessary enabling environment for
mainstreaming of SDGs in national policies, plans and programmes, and its coherent
The report is the outcome of wide and in-depth consultations organized…
National Reports
Topics covered
National Report - Nigeria
Mrs. Comfort Adebisi Owolab
Deputy Director-Policy Analysis, Monitoring and Inspectorate - Federal Ministry of Environment