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Voluntary National Review 2023

Portugal remains committed with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and dedicated to eradicating poverty, fighting inequalities, promoting a fair, inclusive, and equitable global sustainable development based on human rights and dignity and the ‘build back better’ and ‘leave no one behind’ (LNOB) principles.


To reinforce the national approach, the Portuguese Government adopted a new inter-institutional mechanism. The coordination of the Agenda, at national level, was repositioned at the centre of the Government, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, while on an external level remained the responsibility of Foreign Affairs. A High-Level Monitoring Committee was also created, including representatives from these two Government areas, Regional Governments, Local Authorities, the Economic and Social Council, and prominent members of civil society.


To ensure a broader and inclusive participation in this Voluntary National Review (VNR), several stakeholders, including civil society, were involved in ex ante consultation procedures, such as Town Halls and workshops. Later on, the VNR was subject to public consultation.

On a domestic level, nationally and regionally, the planning of public policies has gradually incorporated the 2030 Agenda. In 2022, significant steps were taken towards aligning high-level planning instruments, e.g., the Portugal 2030 Strategy, the 2022 National Reform Programme, the Major Options Plan for 2022-2026 and the Portuguese Cooperation Strategy 2030.

Furthermore, the LNOB principle stands out in the different planning instruments and policies, where economic conditions, human rights, and gender equality are transversal in its implementation.

The 2030 Agenda is also present on public policies on a regional/local level, in scientific research and production, and in strategic business plans. This is shown in the increase of platforms to present and monitor initiatives and encourage partnerships to accomplish the SDG.

On the external dimension and with its international development cooperation, Portuguese foreign policy has continually supported the 2030 Agenda, particularly through active participation in international forums. The commitments undertaken in the UN Climate Change Conferences, its active role in the Global Pact for Migration as a ‘Champion Country’, and its commitment in the UN Ocean Conference are an example of this.

The Portuguese Cooperation Strategy 2030 pursues three key commitments on an international level: the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda for financing sustainable development, and the Paris Agreement. This Strategy’s priorities are Cooperation for Development, Education for Development, and Emergency and Humanitarian Action.

Portuguese priorities in cooperation for development are also aligned with the Agenda’s Ps – People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and especially Partnership – fundamental for accomplishing the SDG, but also the LNOB principle, reflected in the priority given to least developed countries, Small Island Developing States, fragile countries and in the process of graduation.


The Instituto Nacional de Estatística (National Institute of Statistics) – through its annual statistics publication on the SDG – particularly endeavoured in socio-demographic and spatial disaggregation providing a clearer view of the progresses.

The national indicators currently cover 69% of the Agenda, having increased 17pp since 2018. In comparison to 2015, 59% of indicators show a positive trend, 17% with an opposite trend, and no change in 2%.


The VNR is an opportunity for an interim evaluation of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda making it possible to analyse progress, identify gaps, and define future actions.

Public policies have sought to respond to challenges like climate change and demographic dynamics; however, due to emerging crises – the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine –extraordinary measures were necessary to protect families and the most vulnerable, as well as businesses. In this context, systemic challenges related to the consistency between public policies and the analysis of trade-offs and spillover effects remain.

The conclusions of this VNR will be incorporated in a ‘National Roadmap for Sustainable Development 2030’, in response to the challenge of the UN Secretary-General for the SDG Summit in 2023. This Roadmap will focus on four areas: i) consistency and alignment between public policies, ii) engagement and participation of stakeholders; iii) a common communication strategy on SDGs; and iv) awareness and capacity building of the relevant stakeholders.
