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Partnerships & Commitments

The below is a listing of all partnership initiatives and voluntary commitments where Sao Tomé and Principe is listed as a partner or lead entity in the Partnerships for SDGs online platform
Integrated Water and Wastewater Resource Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS

Cabo Verde, Comoros, Maldives, Mauritius, São Tomé & Príncipe and Seychelles may seem like they have little in common, but as small islands, they face very similar challenges. The countries − located in the Atlantic and Indian oceans − all share problems relating to the scarcity and contamination of freshwater supplies; lack of solid waste management facilities, over-exploitation and poor management of groundwater resources; increasing pressure on agricultural production; and disappearing biodiversity. Therefore, the Global Environment Facility has funded a full-sized project to...[more]

UNEP; UNDP; UNOPS; GEF; Governments of Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Sao Tome and Principe and Cabo Verde
Sustainable Development Goals
Lighthouses Initiative

IRENA has developed the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative to support the strategic deployment of renewable energy in SIDS, to bring clarity to policy makers regarding the required steps, and to enable targeted action. As a joint effort of SIDS and development partners, this framework for action will assist in transforming SIDS energy systems through the establishment of the enabling conditions for a renewable energy-based future, by moving away from developing projects in isolation to a holistic approach that considers all relevant elements spanning from policy and market frameworks, through technol...[more]

Antigua and Barbuda, Mauritius, Bahamas, Nauru, Barbados, Palau, Cabo Verde, Samoa, Comoros, São Tomé and Príncipe, Cook Islands, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Fiji, Seychelles, Grenada, Solomon Islands, Guyana, Tonga, Kiribati, Trinidad and Tobago, Maldives, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Federated States of Micronesia, ENEL, New Zealand, European Union, Norway, France, SE4ALL, Germany, ...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
O Governo engaja-se na implementao de um plano estrategico para alcanar o ODS 14

Eliminar completamente a extrema pobreza em Sao Tom e Prncipe e manter e explorar de forma sustentvel os oceanos mares e os recursos marinhos e martimos. O Governo pretende com isso iluminar a contaminao do mar atravs do lixo e deposito de inertes (combustvel e foz dos rios), que pe em causa o equilbrio do ecossistema. Para atingir esses objectivos o Governo conta envolver a sociedade Civil, ONG e os autores de desenvolvimento mediante campanhas de sensibilizao no terreno e na comunicao social. De igual modo ser feito uma aco de fiscalizao e controlo da nossa ZEE de forma a diminuir a ...[more]

PNUD, BAD BANCO MUNDIAL (Parceiros de Desenvolvimento), MARAPA (ONG) Federao Nacional dos Pescadores e Palaies de STP (Associao) Associao dos Armadores de pesca Semi-industrial (Sector Privado), Associao dos Jovens com iniciativa Empresarial (Sector Privado)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Sao Tome and Principe commits to increase the percentage of the general budget for health from 10% to 15% in 2012

Sao Tome and Principe commits to increase the percentage of the general budget for health from 10% to 15% in 2012; increase the ratio of births attended by a qualified health personnel from 87.5% to 95%; reduce the percentage of inadequate family planning service delivery from 37% to 15%; increase the geographic coverage of PMTCT services from 23% to 95%; increase the percentage of pregnant women receiving ARVs from prenatal centres from 29% to 95%; and increase the prevalence of contraception from 33.7% to 50%.

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals