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Voluntary National Review 2019

The Republic of Serbia is firmly committed to promoting an accelerated implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the common quest to profoundly transform our world. In the national consultations on the new global development agenda, launched in 2012, its citizens have already voiced unequivocally that Serbia We Want respects and cherishes differences and that it is a peaceful and democratic, socially just and gender-equal, intra- and inter-generationally equitable country in which every individual exercises its right to well-being and prosperity and enjoys the protection of personal dignity and freedom of choice. Within the scope of the National Sustainable Development Strategy (2009-2017) and pursuant to the EU accession negotiation process started in 2014, Serbia participated actively in the work of the OWG on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing.

The attainment of lasting prosperity for everyone everywhere within planetary boundaries by growing into sustainability is a clear, strategic, long-term national vision of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Serbia. In 2015, an integrated, networking institutional mechanism was established to build innovative practices in balancing all dimensions of sustainable development.

The Inter-Ministerial Working Group for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda (IMWG) coordinates the work of all Ministries and State institutions. The partnering endeavour of the Secretariat for Public Policy in mapping the National Strategic Framework against the SDGs resulted in the Serbia and the 2030 Agenda document. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia diligently maps, produces or collects relevant national indicators to credibly measure progress on the SDGs.

The Focus Group of the National Assembly of Serbia for the Development of Control Mechanisms for the Process of Implementation of the SDGs, formed in 2017, initiated the first public hearing on SDGs implementation. The Assembly creates a legal framework and ensures budgeting for the SDGs. Through liaising with local, cross-border, regional and international stakeholders and through inter-parliamentary cooperation, it is becoming the centre stage for public advocacy of the SDGs.

Deep structural reforms in Serbia, including provision of sustainable public finances, the 2030 Agenda financing included, enable the highest-aiming SDGs achievement. In collaboration with the UN development system, the Government identified the inter-linkages between the goals and targets with the acquis communautaire through RIA. The MAPS mission to Serbia in 2018 provided support to improving coherence of sectoral and inter-sectoral government policies for the SDGs. The same year, the IMWG supported by the UN Country Team, organized the Subregional Conference on the Promotion and Progress on the 2030 Agenda providing momentum to the achievement of the SDGs throughout the region.

Serbia daringly advances the SDGs, determined to contribute to the regional and global transformation by finding solutions to its development challenges thus ensuring a peaceful, stable, prosperous and sustainable region and Europe in the ever-changing world. A bold, long-term vision of transforming into sustainability within the Serbian strategic framework is laid on the two pillars: the National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis 2018-2021 and the National Priorities for International Assistance 2014-2017, with projections until 2020.

Cohesive with the EU sustainability transformation, the Serbian Government established six strategic pathways for the growing into sustainability for everyone everywhere:

  • Connect, partner and integrate Serbia in Europe and the world;
  • Achieve a faster, inclusive and sustainable growth, based on economic, scientific and innovation resources;
  • Render efficient and effective public services;
  • Promote human rights and security;
  • Education for the twenty-first century;
  • Transformative digitalization.       

Serbia is striving to end depopulation, reduce inequalities, improve social inclusion and solidarity and empower women and girls to achieve gender equality. Undertaking resolute measures to combat corruption, eradicate poverty and make transition to a carbon-neutral circular economy to meet the nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement, Serbia has gone a long way to enhance the living conditions of everyone, of its youth and future generations first. 

Through the broad coordinated network of partners, the mainstreaming of the 2030 Agenda implementation in Serbia evolves through monitoring, reviewing, reporting and following up by the State institutions, local authorities and communities, human rights mechanisms, civil society, social partners, business communities, academia and research community, bilateral and multilateral development partners within, across, and beyond borders. Sustainable possibilities are thus being created by the whole-of-Government and whole-of-society for everyone everywhere.
