Sierra Leone 2024 VNR Key Messages
Sierra Leone is fully committed to implementing the UN 2030 Agenda and has been consistent in the SDG review and reporting processes. The country has undertaken three previous VNRs and produced an SDG Acceleration Roadmap in September 2023. The roadmap prioritised goals one, two, and ten and has outlined national investment commitments for sustained poverty reduction and socioeconomic transformation of the…
Watch video of panel where the VNR was presented
Key 2021 VNR Messages for Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone remains steadfast in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. It is presenting an evaluative third VNR report, following its second review in 2019. The country continues to give great focus to its accelerator Goals: SDG4 (education) and SDG16 (justice). The two Goals were informed by the national development context, as the…
There has been increased appreciation of the SDGs in Sierra Leone. The country recently launched the Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) (2019-2023) titled “Education for Development”. The people centred plan is aligned to the Africa Union Agenda 2063 and the SDG’s, to strategically guide the delivery of services and ensure that no one is left behind in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has identified SDG4 (education) and SDG16 (…
Summary Report of Adaptation of the Goals
The Government of Sierra Leone strongly supports the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (the UN SDGs) to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (the MDGs). The new agenda conveys renewed commitment by the UN to support global paths to sustainable development by 2030. The previous agenda, the MDGs, provided useful benchmarks that the government strove very hard to achieve…
National reviews
Topics covered
National Engagements on the SDGs in Sierra Leone, October 2015 to December 2016
Progress Report - Adaptation of the Goals in Sierra Leone