Voluntary National Review 2022
Main Messages
Sudan is fully committed to the implementation of the 2030 SDGs Agenda. The government second VNR for 2022 is based on a wide consultative process, and with active participation of the National Audit Chamber and the Central Bureau of Statistics.
The SDGs and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning was assigned in 2019 the responsibility of coordinating the implementation of the SDGs, to ensure integration of the SDGs within the government plans.
A transitional government was established after a revolution in December 2019. Positive steps were taken by the transitional government that will help in SDGs implementation. These include: the signature of Juba Peace Agreement, removed of Sudan from the States Sponsors of Terrorism List, reengagement with the international community, and reaching the HIPCs decision point.
However, since the last VNR in 2018, Sudan has been facing immense challenges that affect SDGs implementation. These challenges are mainly:
· political instability,
· inter-tribal conflicts,
· economic instability.
- COVID-19
Recently, the international community suspended its assistance and frozen the debt relief process because of the army measures on 25th of October 2021, which dissolved the civilian transitional government. The government and all the stakeholders are committed to resolve this issue and reach a political consensus.
Sudan will report on progress related to all SDGs. However, following the theme of the HLPF 2022, Sudan’s VNR 2022 will give in depth reporting on: quality education (goal 4), gender equality (goal 5) life below water, and life on land (goals 14 and 15) and partnerships (goal 17). In addition, and given the relevance to Sudan’s context, it will also review health and wellbeing (goal 3). The VNR 2022 will include analysis of SDGs interdependence, as well as analysis of leaving no one behind.
Following are key messages on each of these SDGs:
Health : To accelerate the achievement of SDGs on good health, the government will continue to improve child and maternal mortality indicators, and address the remaining challenges which are:
- achieving equity in the health system,
- attaining universal health coverage,
- reducing communicable and non-communicable diseases,
- improving the health information system, research and human resources, and
· improving health system resilience.
Education: Education remains a top priority for the Government. Education is facing complex challenges compounded by political instability, impact of COVID-19 pandemic, economic difficulties, inter-communal violence and increased influx of refugees. Efforts exerted by the government and education development partners had positive results on education. The government will aim at increasing enrollment and retention rates, upgrading learning environment, ensuring quality education and education equity.
Gender: Several fundamental changes in the legislations that discriminate against women were recently implemented. COVID-19 however, has led to increased GBV and early marriage. The government will address gender issues including: enhancing women representation; expanding family planning coverage; empowering women through information technology; securing equitable access to land; eliminating all harmful practices; combat GBV; and ensure equality in the labor market.
Life below water: The marine is facing environmental pollution originating from different activities, compounded by poor data, weak capacities and limited financing. The government plans to address these issues by the developing integrated coastal management plan; demarcating and monitoring of coastal hazard lines; reducing pollution; achieving sustainable fishing; mainstreaming gender in marine environment; developing marine information system; raising awareness; and supporting research.
Life on land: Sudan is facing challenges of land degradation due to the expansion of agriculture and demand for energy. The government will continue its successful collaboration with the international community in environmental conservation. The National High Council for Environment was empowered to coordinate environmental issues. A key entry to resolve the environmental problems is the sustainable use of natural resources, guided by a national land use plan.
Partnerships : Tax revenues, will be raised by implementing bold reforms within wider PFM reforms. Funding from other domestic sources will also be mobilized. In addition, Sudan requires substantial external financing to progress towards achieving SDGs. Aid coordination unit was established to support on this.
Inadequate funding for statistical work has restricted the production of timely and reliable data. Surveys and censuses are outdated. Administrative data sources are poor, sporadic, and lack necessary disaggregation. Efforts will be made to improve the statistics.