Interregional energy dialogue under UN auspices aimed at reliability and security of hydrocarbons supply to international markets as an essential component of sustainable development, including addressing the environmental risks. Source: Government of Turkmenistan - Ministry of Environmental Protection Turkmenistan considers the reliability and security of hydrocarbons supply to international markets as an essential component of sustainable development, including addressing the environmental risks. In this regard, Turkmenistan has proposed in the UN to begin the development of the universal m...[more]
Turkmenistan proposes to establish, in cooperation with the UN, a specialized body Regional Center to address issues related to climate change. It is recommended that the Headquarters of the Center be established in Ashgabat. We are willing to provide the entire necessary infrastructure for its functioning. Source: Government of Turkmenistan - Ministry of Environmental Protection Turkmenistan believes that in the context of the closer multilateral cooperation the establishment of a system of mechanisms in this area could be started. In this regard, Turkmenistan proposes to establish, in cooper...[more]
Caspian Environment Forum - a permanent platform for addressing environmental issues of the Caspian Sea Basin Source: Government of Turkmenistan - Ministry of Environmental Protection Question, which goes far beyond regional boundaries is the environmental issues of the Caspian Sea. Turkmenistan convinced of the need for more concrete impetus of the international efforts to save the unique natural resources of the sea. In this regard, country proposes to organize a Caspian Environment Forum - a permanent platform for addressing environmental issues of the Caspian Sea Basin and to develop relev...[more]
Within the large-scale national program "Green Belt" 50 million trees have been planted in Turkmenistan to create green belts around cities using advanced water-saving irrigation methods Source: Government of Turkmenistan - Ministry of Environmental Protection
Nowadays Turkmenistan is taking in focus the following national programs and international initiatives to meet sustainable development goals on regional and international arena: National Program "Green Belt"; National Authority on Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in the form of an inter-agency state commission; National Strategy on Climate Change; coordination of activities on climate change in the region under decision adopted in June 2007 and November 2008 by the Central Asian Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD); national programs aimed at addressing human needs, optimizi...[more]