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Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change


1. Localization of the SDGS through:

- Raising Awareness
- Training of Trainers

2. Promoting the Creation of an Enabling Legal, Policy And Financing Environment.

3. Building Essential Partnerships With Governments MDAs

4. Building Essential Partnerships Among CSOS, NGOS, CBOS & Networks

5. Mobilizing CSOS Engagement In Following up Implementation and Reporting


1. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research worked to Build capacity of NGOs, CBOs and Women's Organization in understanding the need for an integrated approach to implementing the SDGs/

2. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research also made presentations on Goal 5 and 16 and helping organizations understand the interlinkages among the targets and indicators.

3. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research undertook and is still undertaking advocacy to promote an enabling legal and policy environment and financing for achieving the SDGs and sustainable development.


4. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research organized a Training of Trainers in order to ensure localization of the SDGs and to ensure that no one is left behind.

5. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research in a collaborative project with WEMA 2030/2063 promoted capacity building for rural women and gave them a voice in SDG issues.

6. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research engaged in capacity development for Government, Ministries, Agencies and Department to ensure effective implementation and reporting.

7. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research through its Young Researchers Forum engaged in capacity development for children and youths and gave them a voice in SDG issues.

8. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research engaged in building capacity of Nigeria stakeholders to engage in NVRs through a national consultation/ workshop.

9. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research was represented in the National and regional consultation.

10. The Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research in collaboration with WEMA2040/2063 and other CSO partners with support of 16 Research Assistant is preparing a complementary shadow report “Assessing Government’s Commitment To Implementation And Reporting On The Agenda 2030: A Nigerian Case Study” that will be shared.

11. In the area of promoting Women's perspective in peace and security issues, the Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research has been very active within the broader work of CSO's in Nigeria. We actively in partnership with CSOs championed the development of a Bayelsa State Action Plan for Women in Peace and Security and are actively involved in advocacy for financing for sustainable development and also specifically for financing the State Action Plan for Women in Peace and Security. We have also engaged through the process in building capacity of citizen's in negotiation and mediation.
