The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities is the focal point for UNDESA, ECOSOC and the GA for all UN Sustainable Development policies. The responsibility of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities covers the Rio+20 outcome (including the 2030 Agenda), Sustainable Development Goals, High-level Political Forum, Financing for Sustainable Development, at global and regional policy processes of the United Nations. In addition, Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities for Sustainable Development aims to cooperate closely with other constituencies linked to other UN policy processes. The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities is a recognized other stakeholder group within the UN and as such part of the Major Groups and other Stakeholder Coordination Mechanism.
Under the leadership of the International Disability Alliance and with the support of the International Disability and Development Consortium, coordinated inputs from persons with disabilities were provided to sustainable development processes, demonstrating a high level of engagement with intergovernmental processes at the UN. The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities aims to enhance the opportunity for persons with disabilities, their representative organizations, and non-governmental and other organizations working on the rights of persons with disabilities to advocate with a unified voice for their inclusion in all sustainable development related UN processes.
Twitter: @IDA_CRPD_Forum
Archive of statements from 2016 available here.
Membership of the SGPWD is open to all persons with disabilities, organizations of persons with disabilities, non-governmental and other organizations working on the rights of persons with disabilities, and non-governmental donors working within this space. The Permanent and the Alternate representatives aim to work closely to design, plan, implement and monitor the activities of the SGPWD. An election process took place to fill the positions of the Permanent and Alternate Representative roles as well as for the roles of the Speakers, who will represent the SGPWD in global and regional UN processes. The SGPwD comprises of seven working groups, which cover each of the UN processes which involve the SGPWD or support the internal work and/or policy coherence of the SGPWD. Focal Points of Working Groups were elected by the members of the respective Working Groups. The Focal Points carry out the technical facilitation of the Working Groups, organize meetings, as well as maintain official records of meetings, lists of participants, and action steps.
Website: Jose Viera World Blind Union Chief Executive Officier Mohammed Ali Loutfy Disabled People’s International |
Bethany Brown IDA Human Rights Advisor New York, USA |