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Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Addition)

Addition to the note on the contribution of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to the 2016 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on "Ensuring that no one is left behind"

In addition to the substantive contribution to the 2016 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on “Ensuring that no one is left behind”, submitted by the Chair of the twenty-fifth session, H.E. Mr. Friedrich Däuble, on 23 May 2016, an addendum to this contribution is herewith submitted, reflecting the Commission’s deliberations conducted during its 25th session, held from 23 to 27 May 2016.

As highlighted in its contribution, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) has since its establishment been contributing to the commitments, focus and policy developments of successive international development agendas. CCPCJ’s work has become even more relevant with the 2030 Development Agenda, giving Member States an effective, proven, consensus- based forum to engage in discussions on gaps and lessons learned, providing thereby a platform to improve the coherence of policy and to ensure that policy is based on the rule of law and integrity which positively influences outcomes across the development agenda. In the same line Member States deliberations during the 25th session of the CCPCJ further highlighted key areas of CCPCJ’s work in “ensuring that no one is left behind”.

The importance of effectively working together towards the timely achievements of SDGs by governments, international organizations, civil society, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders was noted. The role of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in ensuring that States meet the ambitious goals that had been set and ensure that “no one is left behind” was highlighted during the 25th session of the Commission. It was also noted that, while the Commission was the leading policy-making body for crime prevention and criminal justice issues within the UN system, other bodies could contribute to implementing the 2030 Agenda, in particular to the anti-crime objectives, within their mandates. Many speakers for example provided information on action taken by their countries to implement the Doha Declaration and noted UNODC’s important role in supporting Member States in the delivery of their commitments in line with the Doha Declaration. Several speakers emphasized the importance of maintaining the momentum of the 13th Congress, and noted that the theme of the 14th Congress could focus on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It was further noted that issues such as education, international cooperation, culture of lawfulness and public participation could be given prominence at the next Congress.

Another important element of access to justice and the rule of law is, as outlined in the CCPCJ contribution, the treatment of prisoners – pretrial (non-sentenced) detainees as well as sentenced persons. In this regard, several speakers commended the efforts undertaken in connection with the revised Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and their adoption as the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules) by the General Assembly in 2015 and welcomed the fact that recent international human rights instruments and best practices were reflected in the Nelson Mandela Rules and pledged support to the UNODC programme on addressing global prison challenges. Many speakers shared information on their efforts to implement the standards and norms, including the Nelson Mandela Rules, the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules), and the United Nations Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems.

On the specific needs of women and children – in “ensuring that no one is left behind” some speakers stressed the importance of preventing and addressing violence against women, and shared information on their efforts in this regard. The importance of preventing and addressing violence against children was emphasized and States were encouraged to implement the United Nations Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Children in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice through the Global Programme on Violence against Children.

As already mentioned in the CCPCJ’s contribution, dated 23 May 2016, corruption and transnational organized crime can have a devastating impact on many aspects of the economy including the ability to finance a budget and to create a safe and sound private sector capable of stimulating domestic demand and employment. At the 25th session of the CCPCJ, several speakers noted that transnational organized crime posed a threat to human rights and to the security, stability and development of States. The wide ratification of the Organized Crime Convention and its Protocols was welcomed and speakers called on States to fully implement those instruments.Speakers emphasized the crucial role that international cooperation played in effectively combating transnational organized crime and called on States to strengthen such cooperation, including at the regional, sub-regional and bilateral levels. It was noted that UNODC technical assistance activities and tools supported Member States in combating transnational organized crime. Several speakers underlined the importance of protecting the victims of trafficking in persons and of the smuggling of migrants, especially women and children and other vulnerable members of society. Speakers emphasized that concerted efforts among all States were needed to effectively tackle those crimes and to respond to the crisis in the Mediterranean. Speakers highlighted other issues of concern, including drug trafficking, trafficking in firearms, terrorism, foreign terrorist fighters, cybercrime, the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes, illicit trafficking in cultural property, money-laundering and wildlife and forest crimes.

Several speakers emphasized the importance, relevance and results of UNODC technical cooperation programmes and requested UNODC to ensure close cooperation with other UN entities in its activities relating to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs. Reference was made to the need to integrate data collection, analysis and related policy formulation into UNODC’s programming and work on Goal 16.

As highlighted in the Commission’s contribution, dated 23 May 2016, “ensuring that no one is left behind” is considered a basic objective of justice and the Commission has, through the gathering of expertise and its ability for consensus-building on the basis of data and evidence, consistently strengthened the international normative framework related to countering the destabilising effects of organized crime, corruption, violence, smuggling of migrants, trafficking of human beings, drugs and firearms, illicit financial flows, cybercrime, wildlife crime, terrorism and piracy. During the 25th session of the CCPCJ, a presentation was made by the Secretariat on the “World crime trends and emerging issues and responses” (attached). In this regard, several speakers at the 25th session of the CCPCJ stressed the importance of reliable and comparable data on crime and criminal justice for the formulation of evidence-based policies and welcomed the activities of UNODC in further developing statistical instruments and analysis within the framework of Economic and Social Council resolution 2013/37, entitled “Improving the quality and availability of statistics on crime and criminal justice for policy development”. A number of speakers also referred to the importance of aligning the United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems with the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes and called for targeted support, technical assistance and guidance in the implementation of the International Classification, as well as for monitoring progress with respect to relevant indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, including indicators under Goal 16. Reference was made in this regard to the work already undertaken by UNODC in providing normative frameworks, technical assistance and capacity-building and to the important role played by UNODC in helping gather and analyse comparable and reliable information on international crime trends and responses to crime. In this regard, reference was also made to UNODC’s role as the custodian and secretariat of the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes. A number of speakers referred to the importance of improving analysis and data on a number of transnational organized crime threats, including trafficking in drugs, wildlife, timber and cultural property, counterfeiting products and medicines, smuggling of precious metals and illegal fishing and mining.

In its efforts to “Ensuring that no one is left behind” the Commission also addresses wildlife crime, targeting selected wildlife species most affected by illicit trafficking. In this context, several speakers during the Commission’s session reiterated that wildlife and forest crime was a sophisticated transnational organized crime with security, environmental, social, health and economic dimensions. UNODC was called on to continue providing technical assistance to States. Support was expressed for General Assembly resolution 69/314 on tackling illicit trafficking in wildlife and the first UNODC World Wildlife Crime Report. Some speakers highlighted the need to promote livelihoods for communities affected by wildlife crime and recognized the links of that issue to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Reference was further made to the threat posed by transnational fisheries crime to security, the environment and the economy, and to two UNODC expert group meetings on fisheries crime and transnational crime at sea held in 2016. UNODC was encouraged to continue engaging stakeholders in combating transnational organized fisheries crimes in areas such as data analysis, legal frameworks and international cooperation and coordination, with a focus on associated crimes including fraud, corruption and money-laundering. The negative impact of maritime crime on the world’s economy was stressed, as was the need for States and organizations to cooperate in a coordinated response. In this regard, the work of the UNODC Maritime Crime Programme was highlighted.

More detailed information will be contained in the report of the 25th session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which will be published in due course (future E/2016/30 - E/CN.15/2016/13) on the website of the Commission
