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Committee for Development Policy (CDP)

Report of the twenty-second session (24–27 February 2020) of the Committee for Development Policy (document E/2020/33) – excerpt on “Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development”

Unedited draft


On the ECOSOC theme for 2020, the CDP stressed that trends in inequality and climate change are driving the 2030 Agenda backwards. Inequalities in income and multiple other dimensions of well-being are rising and the weak global response to climate change are pushing people behind. Inequality and climate change cannot be treated as issues on the margin of sustainable development policies. They are at the core of the systems of synergies and trade-offs that make up the SDGs. A transformation commensurate with the scale of the challenge presented by the SDGs, inequality and climate change requires coherent strategies which harness the action of public and private actors and civil society, creating opportunities for employment and investment. A condition for the success of these strategies is a strong, supportive multilateral system. ECOSOC should promote an inclusive process of reform of multilateral rules and institutions to ensure they support equitable and green development.
