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Industrial Development Board of UNIDO

Introduction: Through the adoption of the Lima Declaration in December 2013, UNIDO’s Member States underscored the role of industrialization for development and poverty reduction. The core of inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) includes growth within an environmentally sustainable framework, decoupling industrial activities from negative environmental impacts and natural resource use. It also embraces the Agenda 2030 principle of “leave no one behind” by promoting equal opportunities and an equitable distribution of the benefits of industrialization to all countries, all peoples, and all parts of society. Against this backdrop, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 7, 11, 12 and 17 are vital for the achievement of ISID which lies at the heart of SDG 9 – and vice versa. While much progress has been made in implementing the SDGs, efforts to promote inclusive industrial development, to provide clean and affordable energy for all, to reduce the environmental footprint of production and consumption, to foster clean technologies, and to develop solutions for sustainable and thriving cities still need to be intensified. Leaving no one behind is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Agenda pledges that no one will be left behind and that the goals and targets are to be met “for all peoples and all segments of society” and that efforts will be made “to reach the furthest behind first”.
