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Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

Parliaments play a key role in eradicating poverty and advancing sustainable development according to the vision of the 2030 Agenda and attendant SDGs. Members of parliament can ensure that sustainable development plans are commensurate to the global goals and adequately financed, are informed by citizens’ priorities, and address the particular needs of the poor and vulnerable groups. Most important, parliaments can ensure national ownership of development policies and programs as well as demand accountability for results.

This approach is reflected in the 2017-2021 IPU Strategy. Objective 7 of the Strategy - to build parliamentary support for international development goals - focuses on ensuring that parliaments have the capacity and awareness to take effective action on the SDGs and mainstream them in their work.

As an organization devoted to building democracy, the IPU is particularly invested in SDG 16 because of its focus on building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions. Working through its 178 member parliaments, the IPU is putting emphasis on strengthening their representative, legislative and accountability role. Evidence thus far suggests that while many parliaments are retooling for the SDGs, bringing to bear the voices of the people and ensuring that policies leave no one behind, many more face challenges in carrying out their representative, legislative and oversight role in this area.
