- At its 328th Session (October 2016), the ILO Governing Body decided to dedicate a high-level discussion at its March sessions on the ILO contribution to the United Nations (UN) high-level political forum on sustainable development (“the forum”). At its 335 Session (March 2019), the ILO Governing Body held a high-level session to discuss ILO contribution to theme of the 2019 forum “empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”.
- This document presents the information and analysis examined by the ILO Governing Body and includes key policy insights and recommendations of ILO’s tripartite constituency, namely, the representatives of Governments, Workers’ and Employers’ organizations. As requested in a letter from the President of ECOSOC to UN organizations, it takes stock of existing gaps, lessons learned and actions that have proved to be effective in contributing to full and productive employment and decent work.
- Given the scope of the theme “empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality” and the interconnectedness and complementarities of the SDGs, the document – while covering all SDGs under review in 2019 – does not address SDGs individually. It discusses specific challenges to equality and decent work creation as well as the broader drivers of productivity and job creation in the context of the transition to greener economies. Moreover, it highlights how labour institutions and comprehensive policies are needed for peaceful and inclusive societies, as well as the importance of policy coherence and the progress of ILO partnerships in implementing the 2030 Agenda. The ILO’s perspective on social justice and the centrality of decent work and productive employment in achieving it can provide the conceptual and operational means for identifying gaps and possible actions for achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.