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Finland and the 2030 Agenda

– A follow-up report by CSOsM

Is Finland still the model country for sustainable development?

FINLAND HAS A STRONG REPUTATION as a leader in sustainable development. International comparisons show that Finland is doing well on many indicators. Our society is fairly equal, inequality is relatively rare, and most Finns are well educated. In addition, public healthcare and a wide range of cultural and sports services ensure our well-being in a manner that many countries cannot even dream about.

However, our relatively good situation is no reason for us to rest on our laurels. The world is changing, and Finland must keep up with the changes. Because of our good situation, we are well positioned to address the national challenges in sustainable development and take global responsibility. Global problems affect Finland, and our actions have international effects. We are closely connected with the earth’s 7.5 billion people, 2 million animal species, five oceans and six continents.

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires all countries to take ambitious measures to improve social justice, the state of the environment and economic sustainability – nationally and internationally. An extensive international programme for ensuring conditions where all life can thrive is a great achievement in itself. The programme includes 17 goals, which makes it the most comprehensive endeavour of its kind in history. The purpose is to ensure that future generations have opportunities for a sustainable life. The 2030 Agenda offers an opportunity to change society and the international community significantly, provided that there is the political will to do so.

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