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Korea SDGs Network - Para 89

Korea Civil Society Contribution Report for 2019 HLPF includes the issues of SDG 4, 8, 10, 13, 16, and 17 in Korea in terms of inequality, and practices of civil society groups to solve the issues. By compiling how issues of 6 SDGs contribute to our unequal system, Korean civil society attempts to see the issues and practices comprehensively.

Besides 27 member organizations of Korea SDGs Network, non-member organizations such as Federation of Korea Trade Union(FKTU), Korean Government Employees’Union Policy Research Institute(KGEUPRI), Fiscal Reform Institute, and The Center for Freedom of Information and Transparent Society(CFIT) joined making a report for this year.

Since the first task force meeting on the draft of report in March 21, 16 CSOs and Trade Union have drafted the issues and practices for 6 weeks from March 22~May 6. The draft has been circulated online through the website and the email group of Korea SDGs Network from May 7~24 for 19 days in order to get inputs from any other CSOs and citizens. The final report was open to the public in May 30 in the event of the 1st Open Forum on SDGs co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA) and Korea SDGs Network.

The issues and practices in the report cannot be said to include all the crucial issues and meaningful practices related to 6 SDGs in Korea because limited CSOs and social actors involved in the report who have interest in SDGs. Naturally, there are missing issues and practices that cannot be covered by Korea SDGs Network and its partners.
