This report aims to deliver the position of Korean civil society groups on themes of 2017 HLPF for SDGs
implementation in Korea even though Korean government does not submit its Voluntary National Review for
2017 HLPF. SDG 1, 5, 9, 14 and 17, and two cross-sector issues of disability and participatory governance are
reviewed. Initially, the review of all 7 SDGs including SDG 2 and 3 have been promoted but in the end, SDG 2
and 3 were dropped out of the final report because of difficulties of capabilities in its finalization.
For localization, we examine global SDGs and its indicators if they are meaningful and applicable to
Korean society for its own sustainability and recommend alternative or supplemented targets and indicators
for Korean SDGs. In addition, civil society’s action cases on those SDGs and cross sector issues in Korea are
introduced in order to share field activism for sustainability among Korean and global society.
It is hoped that this report contributes to the establishment of inclusive, participatory and integrated
SDGs implementation system in Korea in near future. In addition, local perspective and actions on SDGs will
be useful for effective SDGs implementation at global level.
This report has been prepared since February 2017. The first draft report was reviewed in Korea Civil
Society Network on SDGs Workshop in April 6, 2017, and the final one was circulated on the 27th of April.
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