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Libya/OKYD Ambassador Tripoli City


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was unanimously adopted by all member states at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on September 25, 2015. The Agenda presents a radical new approach to transforming our world. While focusing on the basic pillars of sustainable development, which are economic, social and environmental, the plan also integrated additional elements, being peace, justice and institutions. Overall, the 2030 Agenda aims at being universally applicable and indivisible by “leaving no one behind”.

Libya based UNCSD Rio+20 Future We Want Focal Point in cooperation with OKYD Ambassador Tripoli City, Libyan National Youth Leadership Council (LNYLC), Dihya Women Empowerment, & LifeCare has endorsed these principles, as illustrated by its Key Messages to be conveyed at the 2017 High Level Political Forum.


UNCSD Rio+20 Future We Want Focal Point Libya in cooperation with OKYD Ambassador Tripoli City, Libyan National Youth Leadership Council (LNYLC), Dihya Women Empowerment NGO, International Business Education Center (IBEC), Libyan Civil Aviation & Meteorological Society (LCAMS), Peace Now NGO STACO, ECOES & LifeCare have taken action to affirm its commitment to attaining the SDGs. UNCSD Rio+20 Focal Point & its Libyan Civil Aviation & Meteorological Society (LCAMS), UN National Sustainable Development Commission (UNCSD) for the coordination, monitoring and reporting on Libya Sustainable Development Goals (L-SDGs) LSDGs Commission is to ensure the implementation of the SDGs, and stronger cooperation with the interested members of three present governments & especially UN supported Government of National Accord (GNA) based at Tripoli, private sector, civil society and community organizations.


Consultation with all member states has been at the core of the adoption of the SDGs on a global level. UNCSD Focal Point & OKYD Ambassador with the support of LNYLC & LifeCare has adopted a similar approach and has engaged all national and international stakeholders in its attempt to nationalize and align the Libyan SDGs (L-SDGs) with national planning processes, policies and strategies. Consequently, UNCSD Focal Point OKYD Ambassador, LNYLC, IBEC & LifeCare has conducted around numerous workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences with civil society organizations, public & private sector actors, academia, media, youth, students and women’s groups.


Multi-stakeholder partnerships is the key to mobilizing and sharing knowledge, expertise, technologies and financial resources to support the realization of the Libyan-SDGs. Coordination between the relevant institutions is and will be crucial to further raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Agenda and its goals, targets, indicators and means of implementation. In this context, Libya has UNCSD Focal Point & its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) that has framed cross-ministerial activities on Libyan-SDGs with an oversight commission, ‘L-SDGs National Coordination Commission (NCC). The Commission is being supported by OKYD Ambassador SAQR International based LNYLC & LifeCare based secretariat and technical working groups that work on data collection, data verification, reporting and follow-up mechanisms. Coordination mechanisms is developed to facilitate the implementation of L-SDGs and to report on the national targets and indicators. The NCC provides a high level platform for direct and sustained engagement between the various government stakeholders, the private sector actors, civil society organizations, NGOs, academia, youths and the international community, with the common purpose of attaining the L-SDGs.


The L-SDGs program has been defined as a global aspiration. It is expected that each government will adapt the targets to its own national circumstances. NCC is in the process of finalizing its nationalization of the L-SDGs, targets and indicators. The nationalized targets and indicators for the SDGs in Libya are being divided into eight budgetary sectors for possible support once the political stability is attained. The negotiation process required several coordination meetings between UNCSD Focal Point, OKYD Ambassador & the line ministries involved in each of budgetary sector, and development partners.


Former UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, rightly stated that “implementation is the litmus test of the new agenda”. Every country will encounter unique challenges in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Libya is no exception. In some areas institutional capacity is insufficient. Data collection, analysis and dissemination is being strengthened with UNFCC COP 23 Nov 2017 meeting & Bonn Germany based Big Data Center. The political will to attaining the SDGs is jeopardized by security, safety, political instability, social and economic challenges. Moving forward, the roadmap will be further refined soon after the political stability role of law, governance safety & security established to coordinate the work of different national and international entities working towards the implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda.
