I am writing in response to your letter dated 16 November 2021 in which you requested the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) to provide inputs to the thematic review of the 2022 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) with the theme “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
Since the beginning of April 2020, the Peacebuilding Commission has been serving as a platform for discussion on ways to mitigate the multi-dimensional impacts of COVID-19 on conflict-affected countries. Working in synergy with the PBF and in collaboration with ECOSOC and the Security Council, the Commission has been advocating for vaccine equity and international solidarity, development, post-pandemic recovery, stronger institutions, livelihood opportunities, and inclusivity. Drawing on its engagements, the Commission wishes to transmit the following key messages for inclusion into the Ministerial Declaration of the 2022 HLPF.
First: The Commission stresses the importance of considering the peacebuilding and sustaining peace dimension while designing COVID-19 related response and recovery plans. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated fragilities and inequalities, especially in the areas of poverty, access to food and energy, healthcare services and education, revealing our shared vulnerability and interconnectedness. The pandemic has also underscored the need to better anticipate, prevent and prepare for major risks. In order to ensure realization of ‘leaving no one behind’ we need to focus on conflict-affected countries, and ensure that realization of SDGs in those countries is inclusive, extending to all segments of the population, while continuing our efforts to address the root causes of conflict and promote peace.
Second: While women are also at the frontline of fighting the pandemic, they have often been absent in COVID-19 related decision-making and response mechanisms. Inspired by the positive role of women contributing to peacebuilding and women peacekeepers in supporting effective COVID-19 responses in various conflict affected countries, the Commission stresses the importance of ensuring full, equal and meaningful participation of women in the development and implementation of sustainable responses to the pandemic. The Commission also emphasizes the importance of full and effective engagement of youth in the process. The implementation of Security Council resolutions on Women and Peace and Security and Youth and Peace and Security is important to enhance their inclusion in peacebuilding at the local and national levels.
Third: The complexity of today’s conflicts requires comprehensive approaches that should involve a wide range of the United Nations system bodies, in line with their mandates, and strong partnerships with a range of actors. In that regard, the Commission underlines the importance of ensuring coherence between the peace, humanitarian, and development actors. The Commission was informed of the DPPA/PBSO initiative to fast-track support for joint UN-World Bank risk assessments and analyses. For its part, the Commission continues to create space for non-United Nations partners, such as national and local government officials, regional and subregional organizations, international financial institutions and regional development banks, women and youth organizations, to work together in support of local peacebuilding efforts in line with the national priorities. The Commission will also continue to encourage South-South and Triangular cooperation in addressing challenges related to COVID-19 and advancing long-term goals of economic recovery, peacebuilding and sustaining peace, while protecting the planet.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Rabab Fatima
Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission