Persons with disabilities comprise an estimated 15 per cent of the world’s population, or one billion people, of whom 80 per cent live in developing countries and are overrepresented among those living in absolute poverty. Persons with disabilities often encounter discrimination and exclusion on a daily basis. This means, in particular, pervasive exclusion from development programmes and funds, as well as all areas of economic, political, social, civil and cultural life, including employment, education and healthcare.
Persons with disabilities were not referenced in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and as a result were excluded from many important development initiatives and funding streams around the world. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes persons with disabilities and has thus opened doors for their participation and recognition as active contributing members of society: who must not face any discrimination or be left out or behind.
Persons with disabilities should be recognized as equal partners, and be consulted1 by Governments, the UN system, civil society and other stakeholders. Out of the 169 targets across the 17 Goals, seven targets have an explicit reference to persons with disabilities. Further, all Goals and targets are applicable to persons with disabilities by simple virtue of universality, which applies to all persons, and the overarching principle of "leave no one behind."
Persons with disabilities strongly believe that only by utilizing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as a guiding framework in implementing the SDGs, will it be ensured that exclusion and inequality are not created or perpetuated. This includes institutional, attitudinal, physical and legal barriers, and barriers to information and communication, among other such barriers.
Chapter I
Goals 1-5: The unfinished work of the MDGs
The aim of creating the SDGs was to take on the unfinished work of the MDGs, but go much further in aspiration. In particular, SDGs 1 to 5 address the most fundamental issues in a person’s life: the basic needs which all people require, are enshrined in human rights laws and inherent to every human being for a dignified life. Statistics show that denial and exclusion of these rights leaves persons with disabilities disproportionately affected.2 In particular, persons with disabilities are more likely to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes than peers without disabilities, including less access to education, worse health outcomes, and higher poverty rates.3
The UN has acknowledged the links between poverty and disability.4 Poverty may increase the risk of disability through malnutrition and inadequate access to education and health care. Poverty is also both a cause and outcome of institutionalization and forced treatment, and of denial of the right and opportunity to make large and small decisions in one’s own life.5 Persons with disabilities may face barriers to accessing social protection when information is inadequate, inaccessible or not shared, welfare offices are physically or sensorially inaccessible, or design features of particular programmes do not take into account necessary reasonable accommodations.6
Between 93 million and 150 million children are estimated to live with disabilities7 and millions of these children have been denied the right to an education. Currently children with disabilities are the most excluded in society: an estimated 90% of children with disabilities in the developing world do not attend school.8 9 Additionally, a far larger number of students with disabilities drop out of elementary education due to barriers and do not progress to secondary and tertiary education. Accessible learning environments and supports must be provided to enable students to achieve their educational potential.10
Persons with disabilities are agents and beneficiaries of development, and the value of their contribution to the general well-being, progress and diversity of society has likewise been acknowledged at the highest level.11 To achieve this, persons with disabilities and their representative organisations must be included in all phases of implementation, including planning, design, monitoring, evaluation and follow-up processes.
1.1. Introducing measures and policies to ensure that persons with disabilities, including women,12 children,13 youth, older persons and indigenous persons with disabilities, are protected from poverty and benefit equally from mainstream poverty alleviation and wealth-creation programmes, which should contribute to the implementation of disability-inclusive social protection systems and measures in line with the CRPD;14
1.2. Eliminating laws, policies and practices such as institutionalization, forced treatment and denial of legal capacity that segregate persons with disabilities, as well as those from underrepresented groups, from society, and reinforce such persons’ personal and economic dependency on others;15
1.3. Making all levels of existing healthcare and social protection systems inclusive, and public healthcare policies, programmes, facilities and information accessible by persons with disabilities, and based entirely on the free and informed consent of the person concerned, including provision of disability-related extra costs, financial risk protection, access to quality essential healthcare services and access to safe, effective and affordable medicine, assistive products and vaccines;16
1.4. Introducing measures, through devising longer-term inclusive education plans17 at global, national, regional and local levels, to ensure that all children with disabilities, including intellectual, psychosocial and developmental disabilities, are included within the mainstream educational system in line with CRPD provisions. Such measures must also ensure complete free, local, equitable and quality
accessible primary and secondary education; ensuring access to quality early childhood development, including pre-primary education, promoting and using accessible communication methods, including assistive technologies and languages inter alia sign languages;18 and equal access to affordable and quality technical, vocational, business and tertiary education, including university;19
1.5. To facilitate the above recommendation, it is necessary to recruit teachers, instructors and trainers with disabilities, and train all teachers in inclusive practices, including those relating to language and communication, through teacher education programmes that focus on the pedagogy of education and inclusion. This requires training on the understanding and application of inclusive practices, and reasonable accommodations and individual support that facilitate access to knowledge,20 in line with the CRPD.21
Chapter II
Goals 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 Realizing through an enabling environment the full potential of persons with disabilities
Evidence suggests that persons with disabilities and their families are more likely to experience economic and social disadvantage than those without disabilities. The World Report on Disability22 outlines that households with persons with disabilities are more likely to experience material hardship including lack of access to safe water and sanitation.
Persons with disabilities are also at heightened risk of fuel poverty, whereby having to cut down energy consumption, or to go without completely, to save money.
The exclusion of persons with disabilities from employment opportunities can also result in dramatic consequences. Working-age persons with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed than persons without disabilities, be lower paid, have fewer promotion prospects and less job security. It means that national economies face additional costs in having to support unemployed persons with disabilities. According to the ILO, the higher rates of unemployment and labour market inactivity among persons with disabilities—due to barriers to education, skills training and transport—result in a needless loss of 7 per cent of national GDP.23
On an individual and community level, income earned from productive employment can substantially mitigate the incidence of extreme poverty among persons with disabilities and their families. Access to a decent and safe sustainable livelihood, which includes stable social protection, employment and microfinance, is a fundamental right for persons with disabilities and should be actively supported by governments.
Many built environments, including housing, transport and information systems are not yet accessible to persons with disabilities. Lack of access to transportation is a frequent reason for a person with a disability being discouraged from seeking work or prevented from accessing healthcare or education. Information is rarely available in accessible formats, including sign languages, and there are access barriers for basic products and services such as telephones, television and the internet.
2.1. Ensure equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water and sanitation facilities for persons with disabilities; in line with CRPD Article 28, e.g. access to accessible latrines, bathing facilities and water points;
2.2. Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and efficient energy services for persons with disabilities, including the use of alternative energy facilities where warranted by the local situation, limiting in particular the frequency of power cuts; in line with CRPD Article 28, e.g. access to electricity and/or affordable alternative green sources of energy;
2.3. Remove barriers to employment for persons with disabilities through mechanisms including non-coercive legislation and regulation, tailored interventions, internships and apprenticeships, vocational rehabilitation and training, self-employment and microfinance schemes, social protection, and working to change discriminatory attitudes, especially in rural areas;
2.4. Guarantee access to formal credit sources such as bank loans and micro-finance for start-up businesses, whose interest rates take into account the additional costs related to disabilities, helping them to avoid additional credit costs from informal sources;
2.5. Promote universal design and remove barriers to public accommodation, transport, information, and communication to facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities in education, employment and social life; in line with CRPD Articles 9, 11, 19, 21 (e), 24, 27, 28 and 30, e.g. access to ICTs, in order to enable communication, promotion of sign languages and forms other than traditional written and verbal communication.
2.6. All such investment and infra-structure development should be guided by the principle of ecologically sustainability and universal design.
Chapter III
Goal 13: Working together to protect our planet
The effects of climate change, including natural disasters, food insecurity, conflict, and refugee situations, make persons with disabilities disproportionately affected. During such emergency situations, persons with disabilities experience increased challenges with separation from family, loss of assistive and mobility devices, and barriers to accessing information. Additionally, the rate of disability increases during an emergency due to direct trauma, illness from poor living conditions, a lack of trained and skilled staff, and the breakdown of health services, an increase in psychological stress and lack of rehabilitation services.
Persons with disabilities are often overlooked throughout the disaster management cycle and especially during relief operations, as well as throughout conflict and displacement, even though they are more marginalized in such events. The UNISDR survey found that 70 per cent of persons with disabilities participating indicated they had no personal preparedness plan and only 17 per cent knew about any disaster management plan in their community.24
3.1. Climate resilience programmes and disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies and policies should make disability a core, cross-cutting theme and must be included in the implementation of the SDGs and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 so that they are both implemented in line with CRPD Articles 11, 21 and 25;
3.2. Particular focus must be on the leadership, knowledge and suggestions of persons with disabilities living in disaster-prone countries, in low elevation coastal areas or small island developing states to make sure that goals, indicators and
development policies are fully inclusive of persons with disabilities in all phases of DRR;
3.3. The immediate post-emergency phase and early reconstruction period should be driven by the "build back better" principles, stressing the opportunity to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities through accessible and inclusive investment and decision-making processes;
3.4. The observations and recommendations of OHCHR in relation to Article 11 of the CRPD should be noted and implemented.25 In particular, temporary shelters and other constructions must be fully accessible, information and communications, health and education provision must be accessible to persons with disabilities, in particular children with disabilities.
25 Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2016) Thematic study on the rights of Persons with Disabilities: Article 11 of the CRPD
Chapter IV
Goals 10, 16, 17: Reaching the farthest behind first
Most States are making significant investments to develop frameworks and national plans within their countries as well as in their international development strategies. However, governments often ignore or inadvertently leave behind persons with disabilities. All persons with disabilities – and particularly those from underrepresented groups – in rural and urban areas, including persons with psychosocial, intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as children, women, older persons and indigenous persons with disabilities – must have equal opportunities to contribute to sustainable development if the SDGs are going to be realized.
The mandate of ‘leave no one behind’ will only be achieved when all international treaties, national laws and policies are inclusive, eliminate discrimination, and provide for reasonable accommodation, and when discriminatory laws and practices, in particular allowing forced treatment, institutionalization, and restriction of legal capacity are abolished.
4.1. There is a need for global, regional and national data collection, capacity building and disaggregation of data by disability. In addition we are calling that Member States recognize and integrate the Washington Group module26 short set of questions into their national censuses, labour force surveys and other household surveys. This will require all persons with disabilities to be registered at birth; all persons with disabilities to be included in and have access to public services, all persons with disabilities to be represented in key decision-making bodies and processes;
4.2. Governments should ensure the provision of equality training to civil servants, teachers and health and social workers at all levels and in all sectors, in an effort to reduce disability-based discrimination. Governments should also establish accountability mechanisms and sanctions for failure to act against discrimination and exclusion;
4.3. As an urgent priority, there must be a major reduction of instances of persons with disabilities being subjected to violence and abuse, in particular women and girls with disabilities;
4.4. Justice, law and order institutions must be empowered to apply the normative standards of the CRPD so as to end impunity for rights violations. Legal systems must be accessible so persons with disabilities can actively promote and defend their rights and actively participate in justice processes.
The inclusion and the participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in all phases of implementation is critical, not only to ensure that they are not left behind, but also because only they are the true experts when it comes to their complete inclusion in society. Through consultations and by partnering with persons with disabilities, governments will receive technical assistance, capacity building and access to data, which are essential to achieving inclusion and realizing the overarching principle of leaving no one behind.
Bringing persons with disabilities explicitly into mainstream development discourse will not only benefit us, it will enable the world to realize that there is immense untapped potential to transform the world into a better place for all people.
The following organisations endorsed this paper:
1. A.P.A.D.Plottier
2. Abilis Foundation
3. Ablechildafrica
4. Action on Disability and Development (ADD) India
5. ADD International
6. Addis Hiwot Center of the Blind
7. Adhesion Ciencia Entre Todxs
8. Afapedisuih
9. Afghan Landmine Survivors Orgnization
10. Africa Disability Alliance
11. Africa Union Of The Deaf
12. African Deaf Initiative
13. African Disability Forum
14. African Federation Of Deafblind
15. Alianza Discapacidad Por Nuestros Derechos – Adide
16. Amadivi
17. Anwesha Kolkata
18. Appsido Asoc De Padres De Personas Con Sind De Down Villa Mercedes San Luis
19. Arab Organisation Od Persons With Disabilities
20. Arbeiter-Samariter Bund
21. Argentinian Blind Federation
22. Arpana Research & Charities Trust
23. Asean Disability Forum
24. Asesora En Derechos Humanos En Conaipd
25. Asia Community Service
26. Asociación Procrece
27. Asociacion Azul
28. Asociación Civil Lazos Azules
29. Asociación Civil Por La Igualdad Y La Justicia
30. Asociación Civil Sin Fines De Lucro Tandil
31. Asociación Colombiana De Padres Con Hijos Especiales
32. Asociación Costarricense De Usuarios Con Perros Guía
33. Asociación De Ciegos De El Salvador
34. Asociación De Ciegos Para La Cultura Y El Deporte
35. Asociación De Distrofia Muscular Del Perú
36. Asociación De Familiares De Niñas Y Niños Con Discapacidad "Los Angelitos"
37. Asociación De Familiares Y Amigos De Personas Con Ezquizofrenia/Meledis-Mesa De Análisis De Discapacidad
38. Asociación De Mujeres Ciegas De El Salvador
39. Asociacion De Pacientes Y Familiares De Salud Mental De Granada – Nicaragua
40. Asociación De Personas Con Discapacidad Y Vida Independiente
41. Asociación De Salud Mental De Granada
42. Asociación De Síndrome De Down De La República Argentina
43. Asociación De Sordociegos De Honduras
44. Asociacion De Sordos Chubutenses
45. Asociación De Sordos De Colón
46. Asociación De Sordos De El Salvador
47. Asociación Hondureña De Lesionados Medulares Y Similares
48. Asociación Instituto Interamericano Sobre Discapacidad Y Desarrollo Inclusivo
49. Asociación Nacional De Sordos De Costa Rica
50. Asociación Nacional De Sordos De Panamá
51. Asociación Nicaragüense Para La Integración Comunitaria Asnic
52. Asociación Panameña De Síndrome De Down
53. Asociacion Polio-Postpolio Argentina
54. Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos Perú
55. Asociación Pro-Vida Independiente De Pcd De El Salvador (Aprovipdes)
56. Assistive Technology Development Organization (Atdo)
58. Association D'aide À L'education De L'enfant Handicapé
59. Association For Women With Disabilities
60. Association Of Families And Friends For The Mental Health Sofpsi N.Serron
61. Association of Integral Programmes in Community Education Astrid Delleman
62. Association Of The Physically Disabled In Malawi
63. Atlas Alliance
64. Australian Cross Disability Alliance
65. Austrian Leprosy Relief Association
66. Austrian National Council Of Disabled Persons
67. Autism Care Society Nepal
68. Autistic Minority International
69. Bethlehem Arab Society For Rehabilitation
70. Blind People's Association
71. Brasil De Apoio Ao Surdocego E Ao Múltiplo Deficiente
72. Canadian Hard Of Hearing Association
73. CBM
74. CBM Oficina Regional Para America Latina Y El Caribe
75. CBM South East Asia & Pacific Regional Office
76. CBR Network
77. Central Uganda Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Network
78. Center For Advocacy, Learning And Livelihood Foundation Of The Blind
79. Centre for Disability in Development
80. Centre For Global Health, Trinity College Dublin
81. Centre for Independent Living
82. Chavita, Tanzania Association Of The Deaf
83. Christian Fellowship-SHORE
85. Círculo De Mujeres Con Discapacidad
86. Civil Rights And Equity Foundation, Decide, Chile
87. Claromeco Por La Integración.
88. Colectivo Vida Independiente
89. Collaborative For Communication Access Via Captioning
90. Collective Chucan Mexico
91. Comisión De Estudio De Los Derechos De Las Personas Con Discapacidad Del Ilustre Colegio De Abogados De Lima
92. Comisión Universitaria Sobre Discapacidad De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata
93. Comunidad Crecer Iap
94. Conalivi
95. Confederación Nacional De Personas Con Discapacidad Del Perú
96. Consejo De Iglesias De Cuba
97. Consortium Of African Diasporas In The United States For The Social And Economic Inclusion Of People With Disabilities
98. Czech Union Of The Deaf
99. Daisy Consortium
100. Danish Deaf Association
101. Danske Handicaporganisationer
102. Deaf Association Of Guyana
103. Deaf Development And Information Association, Addis Ababa
104. Deaf People Association (Malta)
105. Deafblind Association Nsw
106. Desde Plena Inclusión
107. Disability Activists Forum, Wb
108. Disability and Development Cooperation (bezev)
109. Disability Hiv & Aids Trust
110. Disability Law And Policy Program, Syracuse University College Of Law
111. Disability Rights Advocacy Fund
112. Disability Rights Fund
113. Disability-Inclusive Drr Network
114. Disability Partnership Finland
115. Disabled Human Rights Centre (DHRC) Nepal
116. Disabled Women In Africa
117. Disabled Women in Development
118. Discapacidad Y Desarrollo
119. Diversability
120. Down Is Up Tucumán Asociación Civil De Personas Con Síndrome De Down
121. Down Syndrome Family Network
122. Down Syndrom International
123. Down Syndrome Australia
124. Dutch Coalition On Disability And Development
125. Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network
126. Enablement
127. Enlightening And Empowering People With Disabilities In Africa
128. Equal Rights For Persons With Disabilities International
129. European Centre For The Rights Of Children With Disabilities
130. European Disability Forum
131. European Network On Independent Living
132. European Union of the Deaf
133. Facultad De Derecho-Unr Argentina
134. Fduv
135. Federación Mexicana De Sordos, Ac
136. Federación Nacional De Discapacitados Dominicanos
137. Federación Red Pro Personas Con Discapacidad
138. Fédération Mauritanienne Des Associations Nationales Des Personnes Handicapées
139. Fédération Nationale Des Sourds De France
140. Federation Of Disability Organisations In Malawi
141. Felm
142. Fiji Association Of The Deaf
143. Fiji Disabled People’s Federation
144. Fiji Psychiatric Survivers Association
145. Fiji Spinal Injurry Association
146. Finland National Committee For Un Women
147. Finnish Association Of People With Physical Disabilities
148. Finnish Association On Intellectual And Develeopmental Disabilities
149. Finnish Ngdo Platform To The Eu Kehys
150. Firmamos Como Red Discapacidad Mexico
151. Foreningen Norges Døvblinde
152. Foro Permanente Defensa PCD
153. Foro Por Los Derechos De Las PPCD
154. Forum Das Associações Moçambicanas Dos Deficiente
155. Foundation Des Pejarte
156. Fráter Panamá
157. Funcaedes-Discapacidad Intelectual
158. Fundación Ángeles De Cristal
159. Fundación Dominicana De Ciegos (Fudci)
160. Fundación Para El Desarrollo Autónomo Laboral
161. Fundación Paso A Paso Ac
162. Fundación Síndrome De Down
163. Para Su Apoyo E Integración
164. Fundación Técnica En Discapacidad
165. Fundación Ver De Colombia
166. Fundamental Colombia
167. Fundamental Costa Rica
168. G-Ten International
169. G3ict, Global Initiative For Inclusive Icts
170. Government Union For The Integration Of Differently-Abled Employees, Philippines
171. Graham Bell Centre for the Deaf
172. Grameena Abyudaya Seva Samasthe
173. Handicap Et Développement Inclusif
174. Handicap International
175. Human Rights First Rwanda Association
176. Humanity Welfare Organisation Hepline
177. Iglesia Moava En Cuba
178. Ilep
179. Inclusion International
180. Inclusion Africa
181. Inclusion Netherlands
182. Inclusive Education
183. Initiative Of Refugees With Disabilities
184. Innovative Development Transformations
185. Instituto Nacional Para La Promoción Del Empleo, La Producción Y La Capacitación Continua
186. Inter-American Institute On Disability And Inclusive Development
187. Internaitonal Federation Of Hard Of Hearing People
188. International Agency For The Prevention Of Blindness
189. International Deaf Emergency
190. International Disablity And Development Consortium
191. International Federation For Spina Bifida And Hydrocephalus
192. International Federation For Spina Bifida And Hydrocephalus
193. International Federation Of Hard Of Hearing People
194. International Network Of Women With Disabilities
195. Japanese Federation Of The Deaf
196. Kentalis International Foundation
197. Kenya Association of the Intellectually Handicapped
198. Kepa
199. La Asociación Civil De Padres Abriendo Caminos
200. La Asociacion Familias Rompiendo Cadenas
201. (Rocafam) De Honduras
202. La Fédération Nationale des Associations des et pour Personnes Handicapées du Gabon
203. La Fundación Sidar – Acceso Universal
204. Las Pinas Persons With Disability Federation
205. Leprastichting - Netherlands Leprosy Relief
206. Leprosy Mission International
207. Leprosy Relief Canada
208. Lesotho National Federation Of Organisations Of The Disabled
209. Lift You Up Group
210. Light For The World
211. Liliane Foundation
212. Macau Deaf Association
213. Malawi National Association Of The Deaf
214. MCNV
215. Ministry Of Disability And Elderly Affairs, Malawi
216. Mongolian National Association of the Deaf
217. Movimiento De Vida Independiente
218. Movimiento Estudiantil Cristiano De Cuba
219. Nacional Partido Socialista De La Republica Argentina
220. Namibia Association Of Children With Disabilities
221. National Association of the Blind
222. National Association For Down Syndrome Cameroon
223. National Disabled Women Association (NDWA), Nepal
224. National Early Childhood Intervention Council
225. National Federation of Disabled Nepal (NFDN)
226. National Federation Of People With Disabilities In Namibia
227. National Federation Of The Deaf Of Algeria
228. National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal
229. National Society for Disabled Women
230. National Union Of Disabled Persons Of Uganda
232. Netherlands Leprosy Relief India
233. New Horizons Society For Services To Children With Disabilities
234. Nigerian National Association of the Deaf
235. Nlr Foundation, India
236. Organisation Sisters Of Frida
237. Organización Mírame
238. Organización De Ciegos De Matagalpa
239. Órgano De Revisión Na