The international Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity (the Education Commission) was set up to reinvigorate, and chart a pathway for, increased investment in education. The Education Commission, which the Prime Minister of Norway, the Presidents of Malawi, Indonesia, and Chile, and the Director-General of UNESCO convened following the 2015 Oslo Summit on Education for Development, is steered by 27 high-level Commissioners working to make ours the first generation ever that provides a quality education for every child.
Drawing upon new research and analysis from more than 300 partners in 105 countries, the Commission’s report, The Learning Generation: Investing in education for a changing world, puts forward an action plan for the largest expansion of educational opportunity in history.
At the 2016 United National General Assembly, then Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon received the report and agreed to act on its recommendations, a mantle that has been taken up by his successor Antonio Guterres.