Input of UN-Habitat to ECOSOC in Preparation for the High-Level Political Forum, July 2020
1. Key policies and measures to ensure “accelerated action and transformative pathways” for realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development
a. Critical gaps in implementing the 2030 Agenda within the area of UN-Habitat (bearing in mind interrelations with other goals and targets)
Inequality: unmanaged urbanization separating groups of people geographically within subregions of countries and neighborhoods of cities creating spatial inequality that perpetuates discrimination, deepens social exclusion, and reinforces income inequality.
Stalled Economic Transformation: unmanaged urbanization that perpetuates low productivity agricultural sector, weakens investment in infrastructure connecting food production to urban consumer markets, undermines potential of light industry including food processing to absorb agricultural surplus, and proliferates low-wage, un-organized informal service sector stalling industrialization.
Climate Crisis: Unmanaged urbanization resulting in production and consumption of energy, housing, water, transportation, food and waste that worsens climate emissions and degrades the environment.
Climate Vulnerability: Unmanaged urbanization resulting in at risk populations living in urban and periurban areas prone to disasters exacerbated by the climate crisis
Conflict and Insecurity: Unmanaged urbanization leading to the spatial exclusion of refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons many of whom reside in subregions of countries and in neighborhoods of cities that lack access to basic services and housing and are not integrated into society.