1. BACKGROUND on the MAB Programme:
UNESCO, thanks to its unique mandate within the UN system, is at the forefront of the interconnectivity of territories - through its unique network of sites - and the interconnection of knowledge, cultures, values and consciences. The organization aims at reconciling people with each other and with the living fabric of our planet, restoring a healthy and harmonious relationship between humans and nature. UNESCO aims at initiating a shift in our current value system by building the ethical and philosophical framework of this new ethic of living together, while at the same time inspiring change with real-life examples of practical and transformative actions through its programs and designated sites. As outlined in the 41 C/5, UNESCO's biodiversity strategy is based on three pillars:
- Restore the relationship between humans and nature and regenerate ecosystems through education, science, local and Indigenous knowledge, based on shared values: trust, solidarity, respect for diversity;
- Conserve the harmony of our ecosystems by mobilizing the knowledge, good practices, methodologies and tools and know-how from the unique network of sites such as Biosphere Reserves, World Heritage Sites and UNESCO Global Geoparks to conserve and sustainably use the planet’s key ecosystems;
- Amplify the power of youth by ensuring universal access to this diversity of knowledge, and empowering young people and future generations through our networks of sites, experts, UNESCO Chairs and Associated Schools.
This approach is fully in line with the recommendations of the international scientific community (IPCC, IPBES and others) for going beyond the sole objective of expanding protected areas and promoting the effectiveness and representativeness of protected areas.
UNESCO’s objective is also to provide an essential support to Member States in this transition towards a new relationship with the living, by providing a support in the implementation of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, the Paris Agreement, the Lima Action Plan, and other relevant international frameworks.
The Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme plays a central role in the implementation of UNESCO’s Biodiversity Strategy. Launched in 1971, the MAB Programme is UNESCO’s oldest intergovernmental scientific programme, celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2021 and 2022 (https://en.unesco.org/mab/50years). The MAB Programme and the Biosphere Reserve model have, over the past 50 years, become an international example of sustainable territorial development and highlight UNESCO’s and the MAB’s commitment to the global biodiversity agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. That is why, following the decision of the 41st session of the General Conference, November 3 will be celebrated each year as the International Day for Biosphere Reserves.
Encompassing all types of ecosystems and sometimes urban areas, the World Network of Biosphere Reserves has a global presence, comprising 727 sites, 22 of which are transboundary sites and 2 transcontinental sites, in 131 countries. More than 275 million people have their home in a biosphere reserve. Altogether, these sites protect about 5% of the earth’s surface, or more than 7 million km², an expanse roughly equal to the size of Australia, of which 1.5% is composed of core areas under strict protection, an area larger than Peru.
Only a profound change in our system of values will allow us to restore our relationship with nature and to move from the dominance of economic values towards values promoting collective well-being. UNESCO, in collaboration with FAO and UNEP, is committed to launch the "Our Humanature Path" panel as part of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration strategy. This panel of experts will address fundamental questions about humanity's role in establishing a healthy and harmonious relationship with nature and designing alternative ways of living.
Humanity should also go beyond quantitative spatial conservation targets to achieve 100% reconciliation between humans and nature, relying on UNESCO designated sites. The UN aims at protecting 30% of the planet by 2030, both on land and at sea. But protecting 30% of the planet will be pointless if the remaining 70% continues to be destroyed. Humanity must go beyond this objective, relying on the expertise developed within UNESCO designated sites, education and valorization of local and traditional knowledge of indigenous populations.
Intergenerational and intersectoral exchanges must be consolidated through the transmission of knowledge and practices. The "Earth Network", an intersectoral cooperation program financed by Italy, aims to create a network of volunteer experts bringing their scientific, indigenous and local knowledge to UNESCO designated sites in order to strengthen capacities in terms of ecological restoration and regeneration of the links between humans and nature.