UNGIS is the United Nations (UN) system’s inter-agency mechanism for advancing policy coherence and programme coordination on matters related to information and communications technologies (ICTs) in support of internationally agreed development goals. Established in 2006 after the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), the UNGIS mandate includes promoting collaboration and partnerships among the members of the Chief Executives Board (CEB) to contribute to the achievement of WSIS goals, providing guidance on issues related to inclusive information and knowledge societies, helping maintain issues related to science and technology at the top of the UN Agenda, and mainstreaming ICT for Development in the mandate of CEB members. The UNGIS is comprised of more than 30 UN entities and this contribution to the HLPF process is framed by the collective UNGIS experience and expertise.
As an existing body of interagency digital cooperation, UNGIS stands ready to ensure that efforts across the UN system are coherent, connected and coordinated to achieve maximum, sustainable impact. In the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Decade of Action, UNGIS is a valuable knowledge and resource base that stands ready to support UN Member States and partners in leveraging innovative tools and approaches to accelerate progress towards 2030.
To learn more about UNGIS members activities in the area of COVID-19 response, please visit UNGIS (www.wsis.org/ungis) members’ respective website and the WSIS Forum 2021 website with its outcomes.