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United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN)

UNSCN was established in 1977 by ECOSOC resolution and has been given the mandate to keep under review the overall direction, scale, coherence and impact of the UN system response to the nutritional problems of the world. UNSCN is universal in scope, not limited to specific groups or categories of countries, it advocates a human rights based approach to eliminate all forms of malnutrition and promotes intersectoral analysis and action. It has the following functions:

  • To provide global strategic guidance and advocacy in nutrition to ensure engagement and investment at the highest level and to ensure progress towards nutrition security for all;
  • To enhance dialogue and linkages, fostering joint nutrition action, partnerships and mutual accountability between UN agencies;
  • To harmonize concepts, including methodologies and guidelines, policies and strategies in response to the nutritional needs of countries;
  • To facilitate knowledge exchange of practices, tools and needs, enhancing coherence of the global nutrition public goods agenda and identifying emerging issues;
  • To communicate on global trends, progress and results and to enhance global advocacy through networks and platforms;
  • To engage in and facilitate dialogue with stakeholders across health, food security, water and sanitation and social protection constituencies for strengthening nutrition action and mainstreaming nutrition into development policies.
