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With over 250 participants from 45 countries, this 2019 Showcase offered a variety of experiences in SDG 16+ implementation. Among the various best practices and solutions shared, a few overarching themes emerged. First, that the SDG 16+ framework is well-placed to act as an overarching strategic policy and planning tool across ministries and local authorities, at national and local levels. This could prove particularly useful for framing politically challenging issues such as the protection of human rights.

Second, localization of SDG 16+ is key to the agenda’s success and therefore requires an increase in visibility and resources. Localization here relates both to how the SDGs and SDG 16+ can provide a framework for local development policy, and to how local and regional governments can support the achievement of the SDGs through action from the bottom up.

Third, advancing SDG 16+ requires a whole-of-society approach, which includes civil society, the public and private sectors, academia and the media. A balance of power between various stakeholders, granting more equitable access to decision-making processes, especially as related to civil society organizations (CSOs) is critical to sustainable and coherent delivery.

And fourth, there is an urgent need to increase political will and accountability at all levels, with a dual focus on short-term impacts as well as long-term solutions, if SDG 16+ aspirations are to be met.

Beyond these overarching themes, the following topics emerged as particularly prominent: reconciliation, the challenges of implementation and resilience; the universal impetus for accelerating gender equality, including, as related to land, institutions and peace processes; youth inclusion in decision-making and linking policy and programming with complementary agendas; the centrality of human rights to SDG 16+ and protecting minority rights, with a focus on civic space; the need for constant and consistent anti-corruption efforts in strengthening institutions across contexts; bridging formal and informal systems in terms of governance, justice and peace processes; and the need for more innovative and inclusive approaches to data and reporting.
