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From strengthening institutions and inclusive, participatory decision-making processes to addressing corruption, providing access to justice for all, significantly reducing all forms of violence everywhere, and building peace, SDG 16 continues to highlight the universality of the 2030 Agenda and provide a lynchpin from which to further strengthen interlinkages across the Sustainable Development Goals, while providing practical links to Sustaining Peace. Its landmark adoption emphasized a global commitment to peace, justice, and inclusion as critical to development, and vice versa.

This year’s Annual Showcase in Sierra Leone explored local, national, and regional dimensions to advancing SDG 16+. Opening with a focus on the host, and then broadening to include both regional and global perspectives, discussions highlighted early warning mechanisms and the role of regional and sub-regional organizations in peace and prevention, the importance of transitional justice, Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations, and the need for safe spaces, youth empowerment, and women’s participation in decision-making and leadership. Additional topics addressed include: technology and public service delivery, tackling corruption, the role of formal and informal mechanisms in delivering justice for all, flexible financing, and data-driven policies and partnerships.

In the lead-up to the 2019 High-Level Political Forum, when SDG 16 will be under review among others, this Outcome Document aims to outline innovative best practices and policy recommendations for SDG 16+ implementation at the national, regional, and local level. Based on this year’s discussions, the following takeaways have been highlighted:

Prioritize Inclusion in Policy, Process, and Implementation

Utilize and Leverage Complementary Frameworks and Agendas

Rebuild Trust in Institutions and Public Service Delivery

Invest in Actionable and Accessible Date

Strengthen Inter-Ministerial/Agency Coordination and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Mobilize Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations for Peace and Prevention
