WIPO contributes to the SDGs in various ways and, in particular, by promoting a balanced and effective IP system that encourages innovation and creativity and supports the flow of knowledge and technical expertise within and among countries. The IP system is designed to encourage inventors and creators to do what they do best – innovate and create – and to enable them to earn a living from their work, while ensuring that the public has access to and can benefit from their outputs.
Only through human ingenuity and innovation will it be possible to develop solutions to eradicate poverty; boost agricultural productivity; ensure food security and good nutrition; increase access to energy and improve energy efficiency; fight disease; improve education; protect the environment; accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy; increase productivity and boost business competitiveness; in other words, promote sustainable development.
Innovation has a central role to play in achieving most, if not all, SDGs. WIPO’s Platforms promote innovation by helping Member States and various users strengthen their ability to understand and leverage trends in policy, business, and innovative technologies. More than 740 WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) provide innovators in nearly 80 countries with access to locally based, high quality technology information and related services, helping them to exploit their innovative potential and to create, protect, and manage their intellectual property (IP) rights.