Please Note: the following document condenses the inputs provided by organizations leading different Themes of the 7th World Water Forum’s Thematic Process. In particular, inputs have been provided by the following organizations: Programme Solidarité Eau (pS-Eau); AquaFed; International Water Association (IWA); K-water; International Water Resources Association (IWRA); OECD Water Governance Initiative (WGI); International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); Women for Water Partnership (WfWP); International Network of Water Training Centers (INWTC).
1.An assessment of the situation regarding the principle of “ensuring that no one is left behind” at the global level:
- Access to drinking water and sanitation: Water is a resource revealing striking inequalities, showing that half of humanity is still “left behind”: nowadays, between 2 and 4 billion people are consuming contaminated water and 663 million people still lack access to improved drinking water sources. With regard to basic sanitation access, since 2002, the international community has recognised it as a key challenge for the 21st century. Unfortunately, 13 years later, the extent of the challenge has increased: 2,5 billion people live without access to improved sanitation (1/3 of the world population) from which 1 billion people practice open defecation (JMP). Even if 2010 was a new step with the recognition of the human right to water and sanitation, the question beyond the toilet, indeed the evacuation, treatment and eventually reuse of the wastewater and excreta is rarely considered. Toilets that don’t take account of the rest of this sanitation ladder achieve virtually nothing. However, we still don’t have global indicators to monitor the evacuation and the treatment of wastewater and excreta, but an estimated 90 per cent of all wastewater in developing countries is discharged directly into rivers, lakes or the oceans" (UNEP-UN-Habitat, Sick Water, 2010). Moreover, water is essential for all socio-economic development and for maintaining healthy ecosystems. As population increases and development calls for increased allocations of groundwater and surface water for the domestic, agriculture and industrial sectors, the pressure on water resources intensifies, leading to tensions, conflicts among users, and excessive pressure on the environment. However, it is estimated that by 2025, 1 800 million people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity and lack of sanitation, and two-thirds of the world population could be under stress conditions. Furthermore, water is a resource highly impacted by climate change: preserving and managing water is thus a consequent challenge, as it deepens inequalities in the face of hydric stress or natural disasters.
- Water and energy: Clean and secured water supply cannot be realized without energy. Energy is needed across the water cycle including for groundwater extraction, transportation, purification, distillation, distribution, collection and wastewater management and treatment. Energy represents the largest controllable cost of many water infrastructures. Energy requirements for surface water pumping are generally 30% lower than for groundwater pumping. It is expected that groundwater will become increasingly energy intensive as water tables fall in several regions. As equal as the importance that energy is to water, water is also crucial for energy sector. The extraction of raw materials, cooling in thermal processes, in cleaning processes, cultivation of crops for biofuels, and powering turbines: all these processes rely heavily on water. Approximately 580 billion cubic meters of freshwater are withdrawn for energy production every year worldwide. This amount accounts for 15% of the world’s total water withdrawal. By 2035, energy consumption will increase by 35%, which will consequentially increase water consumption in the energy sector by 85%. Water and energy are intricately connected. The interdependence and inter-linkages between water and energy means that the crisis in one sector can quickly diffuse to other sectors and thus cause dramatic ecological, economic, social and political ramifications.
- Water cultures, equity and justice: While water is a key resource for humanity as a whole, the diversity of relationships to this element and its value between regions and sectors contributes to forming many different cultures of water. Whether water is understood as an economic good that individuals and communities have the right to, or a sacred element to be protected and has its own rights, all perspectives on water need to be considered in order to improve its management and governance, ensure its protection, quality and accessibility, while pre-empting potential user conflicts. Hence the need to take into account the diversity of stakeholders in water-related issues in order to ‘ensure that no one is left behind’ and reach water security at all levels. To ensure that no one is left behind, intense and complementary efforts are required by government, UN and civil society as we implement sustainable development in order to both ensure human rights of all and dismantle systemic inequalities. Achieving gender equality, the realization of women’s human rights and the empowerment of women are essential and cross-cutting to all of the SDGs and to actualizing a transformative agenda, rather than replicating business as usual in new guise. The twin concerns of "precaution" and "inter-generational equity" are central issues of social justice. The poor are more vulnerable to unintended consequences of water development, and standards of precaution (the "precautionary principle") need to be maintained to protect their interests. Similarly, the interests of future generations depend on restraint in permanently altering water ecosystems through dams, industrial contamination, or exploitation of non-renewable aquifers. Indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge has maintained throughout millennia a balance with all living things, practices that protect water and all life. This knowledge will address all SDGs through the implementation of the UN Declaration of Indigenous Peoples. The principle of “ensuring that no one is left behind” still has a long way to go at the global level, applying also to gender inequalities, and minority rights. The underprivileged and marginalized cannot raise their voices. Least Developed Countries attempt to alleviate poverty and ensure human rights, but they are not often aware of how to begin or what to do. It is recommendable that a network platform where LDCs’ demand on capacity building can effectively connect to developed country’s willingness to pass down their capacity. Although principles and directions have been repetitively put forward, action plans to realize them into practice should be further suggested. The action plans should be established at various levels.
- Capacity building and education: To achieve the water related-SDGs (this goes way beyond just SDG6), it is indispensable to improve education, build capacities and train water professionals of the water management sector. It is easy to forget those who work to get our water and sanitation services running and to keep our water resources clean and abundant. But facts and figures provide a clear wake-up call: for instance, it is worth noting that providing a water supply service for 1 million people requires an estimated 500 to 700 qualified staff members. Expenditure in human resources can reach up to a third of the overall water supply cost. Optimizing this considerable item of expenditure implies building capacities through education and vocational training. Significant investments are made in the water sector each year. However, these investments sometimes miss their targets. With regard to the small water cycle and municipal water and sanitation services, this is often due to multiple deficiencies in the way infrastructures are designed, managed and run. As a result, many infrastructures deteriorate much faster than planned. It is crucial to improve the way infrastructures are designed, operated, maintained and replaced. It will require better governance of services, reinforced capacities and human resources. With regard to the big water cycle and the management of the basins of lakes, rivers and aquifers, the same issues have been observed. Even when there is a legal and institutional framework for the Integrated Water Resources Management at basin level, there is often a lack of qualified staff trained to perform the basic functions of basin management: planning, financing, monitoring, information sharing, etc. Funds are frequently squandered as a result of the existing gap in education, capacities and training.
- Transboundary water resources: We should also consider that 40% of the world’s population lives in transboundary rivers and lake basins, and more than 90% lives in countries that share transboundary water (one or more of the 276 transboundary surface water basins and 608 transboundary aquifers -identified to date). Therefore, enhancing cooperation on transboundary water management is crucial to “ensure that no one is left behind”. When assessing the situation of cooperation on transboundary water management with regard to the principle of “ensuring that no one is left behind” at the global level, the question is: is the glass half-empty or half-full? A glass-half-full assessment would highlight the significant progress recorded in the field of cooperation on transboundary water management in the past 30 years. Two international conventions have been established for cooperation on transboundary rivers and lakes and more than 400 agreements are now governing transboundary rivers and lakes. Moreover, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) has been a guiding principle for most of these legal instruments. A glass-half-empty assessment would stress that not all transboundary waters are covered by an international agreement and by a basin organization in charge of its management. Absence of such legal and institutional arrangements can result in a suboptimal use of transboundary water resources, tensions over conflictive uses or even conflicts. Transboundary basin organizations do exist, they often do not have the resources required to fulfil their mandate: insufficient institutional or legal structures, lack of financial resources, of qualified staff or of water information system fed with reliable data by robust monitoring networks. Existing capacity building initiatives can bring improvements, but the current funding allocated to them fall short of what is actually needed. When it comes to transboundary groundwater management, international law is still developing, even though the UNECE Water Convention applies to transboundary groundwaters as well as surface waters and a number of joint bodies for transboundary water cooperation deal also with groundwaters. Though the Draft Articles on the law of Transboundary Aquifers have been annexed to a UN General Assembly Resolution (63/124 of 11 December 2008), they do not have the status of an international treaty. Legal and institutional arrangements have been adopted in only a very limited number of transboundary aquifers. This is of course a significant cause for concerns as 97% of global available freshwater is groundwater, with (as mentioned above) 608 transboundary aquifers identified to date. Although getting a dedicated SDG target (n°6.5) is good news, there is no guarantee of achieving this goal (as demonstrated with the sanitation target of the MDGs). To yield improvements in cooperation on transboundary water management and “ensure no one is left behind”, proper funding and adequate indicators for the monitoring of progress are required. Finally, and more broadly, the landscape of international organizations involved in water management is rather characterized by institutional fragmentation and overlaps. This is all the more troubling as the water crisis is first and foremost a governance crisis, as technical solutions do exist. Governance world-wide needs to be strengthened to provide guidance and support to States requiring assistance in water management. Considering transboundary contexts, two global freshwater conventions, an institutional framework and various soft law instruments exist to support States in improving their cooperation. Support is needed to translate the principles of international law into the specific local and basin contexts for sustainable management of waters close to the users.
- Water Governance: The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has created a unique momentum for countries to advance on a variety of issues critical for political, socio-economic and environmental development. It offers an opportunity for policy makers and stakeholders to mobilise collective efforts, create shared global understanding and commit to action to improve the lives of people and the environment by shifting the previous paradigm focused on solving individual situations and beginning to connect the dots between actors, policy fields and scales to address development challenges in a systemic way. The interconnectedness of the SDGs implies that their implementation should be considered in a systemic way. This requires particular attention on: - Multilevel governance: the SDGs explicitly recognise the importance of governance in shaping, designing and implementing public policies. Both local and subnational governments have a key importance in the design and implementation of policies, strategies and plans worldwide, on a broad range of themes covered by the SDGs, from carrying out public investment, to eradicating poverty, to ensure universal access to quality public services. - Multi-stakeholder engagement: the implementation of SDGs should rely on a whole-of-society approach for citizens to fully reap expected benefits. Achieving such universal standards is a shared responsibility across multiple actors that requires engagement with relevant public, private and non-profit stakeholders. Implementing the water-related SDGs requires countries to translate global goals into concrete actions on a number of water topics: access to drinking water and sanitation; water resources management; water quality and wastewater treatment; and water-related disasters. However, to do so and achieve the targets set by the SDG up to 2030, countries will have to address a number of shortcomings related to water policy design, regulation and implementation. Better governance is instrumental to tackle these shortcomings and make political will effective on the ground. Policy responses will only be viable if they are coherent; if stakeholders are properly engaged; if well-designed regulatory frameworks are in place; if there is adequate and accessible information, and if there is sufficient capacity, integrity and transparency. Institutions need to adapt to changing circumstances, and policy continuity is key in the transition towards more inclusive and sustainable practices.