Ministerial Declaration
The HLPF adopted its draft ministerial declaration, as amended by the adoption of an amendment. The final text of the ministerial declaration is available here.
The negotiations on the ministerial declaration were co-facilitated by H.E. Mr. José Blanco, Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations, and H.E. Ms. Merete Fjeld Brattested, Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations.
Zero draft of the Ministerial Declaration of the 2024 ECOSOC high-level segment and high-level political forum on sustainable development (30 April 2024)
- Letter of the President of ECOSOC on transmitting the draft Ministerial Declaration (11 July 2024)
- Letter of the co-facilitators on the zero draft of the Ministerial Declaration and the third informal consultation (30 April 2024)
- Letter of the co-facilitators on the elements paper and the second informal consultation (9 April 2024)
- Letter of the co-facilitators for the first informal consultation with guiding questions (18 March 2024)
- Letter of the President of ECOSOC appointing co-facilitators for the Ministerial Declaration of the High-level Segment of 2024 ECOSOC and HLPF (12 March 2024)
Informal Consultations
- First meeting (27 March 2024)
Statements: Group of 77 and China, European Union, CANZ, Israel, Mexico, Switzerland, UK, US, IDLO, NGO Major Group (MGoS), Scientific and Technological Community Major Group (MGoS),
- Second meeting (19 April 2024)
Statements: Group of 77 and China, European Union, CANZ, Switzerland, UK, IDLO, Indigenous Peoples’ major group (MGoS), Business and Industry Major Group (MGoS)
- Third meeting (7 and 8 May 2024)
Other outcomes
The President of ECOSOC will also prepare a summary to capture the key messages of the discussions from the forum. The summary will be issued after the meeting.
The HLPF is also an opportunity to share information about new and ambitious SDG actions and initiatives by participating States, including the VNR countries, the UN system and other stakeholders.
More information is coming.