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VNR Labs

“Towards Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions”
2024 VNR Labs - 8 to 16 July 2024, New York

VNR Labs provide an informal platform for experience-sharing and reflection on the VNR process. VNR Labs are organized by various Divisions in DESA and partners from various UN and other entities. Discussions are held under the Chatham House rule.

All Labs were in room S-1522/23 except Lab 5 and were open to all HLPF participants. 

Summary of the 2024 VNR Labs

Tuesday 9 July, 9-10 am (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 1: Integrating Assistive Technology into VNRs to Deliver a New Development Vision
Organized by WHO and UN Friends of Vision

Tuesday 9 July, 10 am -12 pm (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 2: Cooperatives Build a Better World for All
Organized by DESA and DISD in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Mongolia and the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives

Wednesday 10 July, 1-3 pm (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 3: Strengthening Policy Coherence between the 2030 Agenda and Nationally Determined Contributions through the Voluntary National Reviews

Thursday 11 July, 8:30-10 am (S-2627-2727)
VNR Lab 4: Using the VNR to advance SDG16 and its interlinkages across the 2030 Agenda
Organized by Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, UNDP and OHCHR, and in partnership with IDLO and International IDEA and CSPPS

Thursday 11 July, 9-10 am (virtual)
VNR Lab 5: Beyond Numbers: Strengthening VNRs with citizen engagement and qualitative insights (country spotlight)
Organized by: DESA UNSD and PARIS21, virtual

Thursday 11 July, 1-3 pm (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 6: Multilevel governance for SDG implementation: the role of VNRs and VLRs
Organized by DESA/DSDG in collaboration with UN Habitat, OHCHR, ECLAC, ESCAP, UNECA, OECD and UCLG

Friday 12 July, 9-10:30 am (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 7: Leveraging Data and Innovative Tools to Monitor Achievements and Inequalities in VNRs
Organized by ESCAP

Monday 15 July, 9-10 am (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 8: VNRs and poverty-governance-partnerships nexus in Africa
Organized by APRM, ECA, and FAO

Monday 15 July, 1:15-2:45 pm (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 9: Building Bridges: Engaging Stakeholders to Advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Organized by DESA-DSDG and the Major Groups and Other Stakeholders Coordination Mechanism (MGoS CM)

Tuesday 16 July, 9-10 am (S-2627-2727)
VNR Lab 10: Showcasing multi-stakeholder participation in a VNR - Country examples and a checklist for multi-stakeholder participation
Organized by the Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies and RNE

Tuesday 16 July, 1-3 pm (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 11: Inclusive Reporting: Examining Multistakeholder Engagement in the VNR Process
Organized by UN Foundation

Wednesday 17 July, 9-10 am (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 12: Against all odds: Meaningful VNRs in fragile and conflict-affected situations
Organized by ESCWA in cooperation with ECA and ESCAP

Wednesday 17 July, 1:15-2:45 pm (S-1522/1523)
VNR Lab 13: Strengthening digital government and data governance for a more agile and effective public sector in Africa
Organized by DESA-DPIDG, APRM/AU