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Messages from the UN Environment Assembly

The UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) contributes to the effective implementation and full integration of the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its interlinkages with the social and economic dimensions, acknowledging that a healthy environment is an essential requirement and key enabler for sustainable development. In his statement, the President of the UN Environment Assembly, H.E. Dr. Abdullah Bin Ali Al-Amri, President of the United Nations Environment Assembly and Chair of the Environment Authority of Oman, will convey the main messages of the UN Environment Assembly and present the environmental perspective of sustainable development and the contributions of the Assembly to the debates of the HLPF.


  • H.E.Ms. Paula Narváez, President of the Economic and Social Council


  • H.E. Mr. Abdullah Bin Ali Amri, Chairman of the Environment Authority of Oman, President of UNEA-7