Ministerial Declaration
The negotiations on the ministerial declaration of the high-level segment of the 2025 session of the Economic and Social Council and the High-level Political Forum are co-facilitated by H.E. Mr. Jakub Kulhánek, Permanent Representative of Czechia to the United Nations, and H.E. Ms. Inga Rhonda King, Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the United Nations.
- Co-facilitators’ elements paper for the Ministerial Declaration of the 2025 ECOSOC high-level segment and high-level political forum on sustainable development (14 March 2025)
- Co-facilitators’ timeline for the Ministerial Declaration of the 2025 ECOSOC high-level segment and high-level political forum on sustainable development (14 March 2025)
- Letter of the co-facilitators on the elements paper, timeline and second informal consultations (15 March 2025)
- Letter of the co-facilitators for the first informal consultation with guiding questions (25 February 2025)
- Letter of the President of ECOSOC appointing co-facilitators for the Ministerial Declaration of the High-level Segment of 2025 ECOSOC and HLPF (11 December 2024)
Informal Consultations
- First meeting (6 March 2025)
Statements: G77 and China, EU, AOSIS, CANZ, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Russian Federation, Serbia, Switzerland, UK, MGoS
Other outcomes
The President of the Economic and Social Council will also prepare a summary with the key policy messages of the deliberations during the Forum. The summary will be made available following the Forum.
The HLPF serves as a platform to share experiences about SDG actions and initiatives by participating States, including the VNR countries, UN system and a wide range of other stakeholders.