*Originally submitted in Spanish and translated to English by the Secretariat
El Salvador has played a proactive role in the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the post-2015 development agenda through a series of consultations with various social groups in the lead-up to the United Nations summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda, at which the General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which provides a comprehensive, complete and indivisible guide to sustainable development. The Government of El Salvador therefore decided to step up its efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals by placing the 2030 Agenda at the heart of public policy and integrating it into the five-year development plan.
The Government of El Salvador is promoting a process of dialogue with various actors with a view to establishing long-term development agreements that address slow economic growth, the weakness of public finances and the problems of violence and crime. At this stage, the 2030 Agenda is clearly an important instrument for dialogue and consultation.
There is political leadership for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the highest level in the Office of the President of the Republic, and the technical coordination of the process is led by the technical and planning secretariat of the Office of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
An implementation roadmap has been drawn up and its first step was to mainstream the Goals into the Government sector by means of a 2030 Agenda induction process in which 488 State employees received training. Furthermore, to ensure consistent implementation, an implementation team comprising officials from 70 Government institutions was set up. The national statistical information needed to generate indicators for the Goals was analysed, and that process will lead to the establishment of a framework of national alternative indicators, currently nearing completion. As a result, according to a survey of national statistical capacities for the generation of Sustainable Development Goal indicators, carried out by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, El Salvador is in third place when it comes to its ability to generate those indicators.
El Salvador has prioritized nine Goals, namely, Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 16 and 17; as well as 29 targets from the other Goals.
The implementation and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda requires a country-level commitment. Accordingly, the Government of El Salvador has launched a process of dialogue with the private sector and civil society with a view to increasing their involvement over the coming months. Within the framework of the high-level political forum on sustainable development, the various actors of society have been called upon to find joint, creative and innovative solutions to achieve sustainable development.
The Government of El Salvador has established an alliance with the United Nations system for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through a collaboration agreement signed in 2015. Accordingly, El Salvador is one of 15 countries taking part in the accelerated implementation of the Goals and has also joined six other countries in a pilot initiative for monitoring Goal 16.
The 2030 Agenda is characterized by its comprehensive and inclusive nature and its aim of leaving no one behind. The Government of El Salvador has considered defining a long-term governance framework through a national sustainable development council bringing together the actors of national life, as a platform for dialogue and the construction of agreements on development policies. This body will play a leading role in the long-term implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
There are four main challenges in the implementation and follow-up of the Sustainable Development Goals: (a) building and developing institutional capacities to enhance the implementation and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda process; (b) completing the linkage between the 2030 Agenda and the national planning and budgeting system; (c) mobilizing domestic and international financial resources to drive the Agenda forward; and (d) ensuring effective participation by other actors and levels of Government in the implementation of the Agenda.