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Soroptimist International

As the world takes stock of contributions to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and how far we have to go, this report showcases Soroptimist International’s approach. The projects in this report demonstrate the innovations that SI members bring to their own communities, supporting countries on their pathways to sustainable development. Forced, early and child marriage, human trafficking, female genital mutilation and cutting, educations and training, the human rights of older women and domestic violence are all core areas of SI project work. These areas of project work address some of the most marginalised women and girls in societies. This report presents SI members’ projects on these key areas with the aim of building capacities within communities. In this review year, it is impossible to ignore the public health crisis that the faces countries, communities, families and individuals. This report also highlights how civil society organisations, such as SI, are able to mobilise and respond quickly and efficiently in emergency situations. COVID-19 has made it clear that for crisis response to be effective, it requires consolidated action on the ground –– frequently government action will not achieve its purpose without community support. Emergency response undoubtedly impacts the course of sustainable development, the information and SI best practice contained within this report seeks to empower women to make the changes they want in their communities in support of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of gender equality.
