The General Assembly in resolution 70/1 called for the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to conduct thematic reviews of progress on the SDGs, including cross-cutting issues. These are mandated to be supported by reviews by the “ECOSOC functional commissions and other inter-governmental bodies and forums which should reflect the integrated nature of the Goals as well as the interlinkages between them”.
General Assembly resolution 75/290 B reiterated that “In the conduct of the thematic reviews, the high-level political forum could consider the inputs to the high-level political forum from intergovernmental bodies and forums, including relevant multi-stakeholder forums, and, as appropriate, the findings, research, data and policy recommendations from the United Nations system.”
The President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has therefore requested the Council's functional commissions, and other intergovernmental bodies and forums and the UN system, to provide substantive inputs to the annual meetings of the HLPF under the auspices of the Council, in accordance with the themes and the Sustainable Development Goals under review at the forum, highlighting relevant research, data and policy recommendations from intergovernmental bodies on the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels.